Company Name Trademark Questions

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by taylor, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. taylor

    taylor New Member

    I've been brainstorming for weeks to decide on the right company name but every name I've thought of has already been taken, not necessarily trademarked though. I've discussed trademarks with friends of mine but I still don't have any clear cut answers. And I'm on a tight budget now so I'd prefer not to go to a trademark attorney or any attorney for that matter...bad experiences and a cash drain. Also I've done trademark searches too Trademarks Home. With that being said I have the following questions I'm hoping somebody can answer. Also the names in the examples are fictional:

    1) If there's a company in FL that has a name Praxinternational Enterprise (Importer of auto parts), and I decide on Praxinternational Sources (Importer of monitors) in CA, can I be sued by the company in FL even though when I did a search their name is not trademarked?

    2) If there's a company in China that when I do a search has a trademark, can I be sued for having the same name in the United States?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

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