Collusion with cheating

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Professor Kennedy, Dec 5, 2003.

  1. John Spies

    John Spies Member

    Good god man, get a life. As they say in the military...'suck it up and drive on'. Life ain't fair so get over it.
  2. Worldwide

    Worldwide member


    If you regularly entered weightlifitng competitions would it bother you if you saw a site offering 'undetectable steroids that will help you win weightlifting competitions'.........

    Would you use the site (assuming you could afford it)

    Report the site?

    Try and spread knowledge of the site and encourage others to ban the site?

    Or just say 'life's not fair' and carry on....?
  3. John Spies

    John Spies Member

    Funny that you should choose this subject. I am in fact, a weightlifter and would never consider entering a competition for lots of reasons, but one of them is that it would NEVER be an even match for a great many reasons, not the least of which is the effect that steroids has had on the 'sport'. To be truly competitive, you have to juice. Not only that, I would dare say that most pro athletes either are on or have taken steroids. Not all, but a lot.
    Anyway, the point is; worry about yourself and what you do to be an example to yourself and the people who care about you. If you are a saint or a sinner, I couldn't care less, but I be your daughter, mother or wife would. I doubt that exposing some cheater would make you a hero in their eyes.
    Just my 2 cents, and believe me, I know that my opinion is only that. I don't expect it to influence anything in your mind or anyone else's for that matter. I will get through my life and (hopefully) influence my daughter, my family, friends, and employees in a positive way through my actions.
  4. Tom57

    Tom57 Member

    Worldwide: I agree with many of the other posters here - this is probably not the right arena for your vitriol. I think everyone agrees that cheating is a problem - but it seems you've createed another one here.

    I have had my own go-rounds with Professor Kennedy, but he doesn't deserve this, nor is he repsonsible for single-handedly eliminating cheating from the face of the earth.

    If you are connected to this problem through your employment, and it obviously has fueled your anger, then why not take it to a more public forum? Write to your newspaper, your local politician, the local governing body of education, or your supervisor at your place of work?

    Otherwise cool down. The horse is dead - stop flogging it.

    (and please don't ask me what I'm doing to stop cheating. I just did it.)
  5. Worldwide

    Worldwide member

    Flogging a dead horse

    I find it astonishing that you seek to 'defend' (is that the right word?) a Professor, a Fellow in Marketing and also (and this is perhaps the main point) someone who has tirelessly posted here about how much he cares about cheating, from a very straightforward question i.e. does he see it his responsibility (not his alone, just his as a human being but with some influence in education) to try and do something about cheating.

    Is there no altruism here?

    Maybe not.

    I also asked him what he did to stop/reduce his students being placed at a disadvantage when competing against others (some of whom may have cheated) in applying for employment.

    To my surprise he avoided this too. Maybe he does not feel any responsibility towards his students - once they have left.
  6. DaveHayden

    DaveHayden New Member

    Well said John.
  7. Worldwide

    Worldwide member

    moving on... I originally said, cheats prosper precisely because of the views (or lack of them) posted here.

    Some pay $30,000 for their MBA.

    They do the MBA to get ahead in life.

    Others buy a qualification for about $100.

    Fine - you continue to pay the $30,000 then...

    TLVANCOUVER New Member

    Prof. Kennedy's "Responsibility"

    As a student in the EBS MBA I would much rather that Prof. Kennedy continue with his good work in developing the EBS program than take on a cause that EBS has taken stringent steps to address in its own program.

  9. Worldwide

    Worldwide member

    Mutually exclusive

    Look, it is quite possible for Professor Kennedy to do both i.e. to make a simple statement that he is against cheating by anyone in education, anywhere and continue to market EBS.

    But he won't.

    True, EBS is the type of place where cheating is minimised (though of course you can still pay someone to write your coursework for you and then pass your degree and then gain exemption from one of EBS's exams - this could easily be prevented by an oral exam or no exemptions at all!) but is this 'anti-cheat' stance taken by EBS just a marketing ploy?

    It makes EBS different.

    It provides a USP.

    But why not extend it towards being anti cheating elsewhere?

    Ah - no extra students in it.

    Of course!

    Or am I being cynical.

    Still it's almost Xmas and no-one here seems to mind at all that all the money they're spending to pass their masters degrees, all the effort they're putting in - someone somewhere will BUY a degree and/or someone will pay someone to get an equal or better qualification thru bespoke cheating.

    And none of you seem to mind.

    Sheer charity.

    Happy Christmas!

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