I need some clarification: I know for a person to teach they need to have 18 credits in a specialization and a degree above the level desired to teach. Situation number 1: If you have a person that has a master's in a certain concentration, lets assume this person had the 18 credits at the master's, but wants to teach at the master's level, would that be appropriate? Situation number 2: If this person has a master's degree same as above but has a doctorate degree is another field not related to the field that wants to teach at the master's level, would that be appropriate? Situation number 3: If it is appropriate for PhD, (ABD) to teach as a regular professor for doctorate level as a stand alone professor? I know in B&M this individuals AKA AT will be teaching under the supervision of a PhD(earned). The above is something that I have notice lately in some schools websites when they put the adjunct listing (some do not list the faculty at all, maybe for this reason). Some of this universities requires that the candidates to have a terminal degree (earned), so PhD (ABD) does not follow this requirements. Yet they are listed anyway. All feedback is welcome. Thanks.
Most schools will want an instructor to have a doctorate if they want to teach Masters level courses; however, I've seen those without Doctorates teaching Masters level coursework. Only those with research doctorates may teach at the dissertation stage. Regarding teaching a specialization to Masters level students: The regional accreditors ideally prefer that a doctoral holder have the same specialization "attached to his earned doctorate."
me again: I don't feel comfortable with that situation, it has happened to me several times in my studies. Thanks for the feedback, I have seen this in both RA and NA schools, doctorate holders with different specialization from the master's level but teaching at master level. Since, I already hold MBAs, the feeling was not good. Being teach by my peers. It just me.
My wife only has a masters degree, but teaches masters level courses. Her specialization is in education. According to the standards set forth by some of the regional accreditation agencies, individuals may teach graduate courses in certain fields with only a masters if the individuals has certain experience in the field. She teaches for UoP, which requires the individual to have 5 years of experience in the field. She had that and then a variety of experience in leadership positions which helped. -Matt
Which ones? Would you care to elaborate and or provide the link? The experience factor have been mention then that would be true if a person has bachelor's degree with substantial experience to teach at the bachelor's level ( I don't see this happening and if does is close door approach), but does not substitute the training in a specific area. When I was a student at UOP all the adjunct only had masters degree and teaching master degree students (lets face if you contract individuals with terminal degrees to teach at the master's level that would rise the cost of operation).
• Qualified faculty are identified in part by credentials, but there are limitations to considering only the degrees earned. For example, > Besides credentials, other vital attributes are necessary to qualify someone to teach, such as being able to design curricula, to develop and implement effective pedagogy, and to appreciate the breadth of knowledge so vital in quality undergraduate and graduate education; >Knowledge of a specific discipline as indicated by the credential is not all that is required, since faculty carry other significant responsibilities, such as conducting research, advising students, participating in co-curricular activities, and contributing to shared governance; >An earned degree does not necessarily attest to a faculty member’s ongoing professional development in the field. Knowing what students should know is dependent upon the discovery of new knowledge and “keeping up in the field”; > Academic disciplines, degree programs, and curricula are not static. Because of changing academic, societal and workforce needs, colleges and universities are developing interdisciplinary and other nontraditional programs that require faculty to think beyond their own disciplines and traditional academic programs to determine what students should know and to design curricula accordingly; > In some cases, such as in practice-oriented disciplines or programs, tested experience in the field may be needed as much or more than formal educational preparation at a prescribed level in determining what students should know to practice. Following Good Practices in Determining Qualified Faculty • The Commission expects that an “organization’s resource base supports its educational programs and its plans for maintaining and strengthening their quality in the future.” This requires that organizations have, and plan for, a sufficient number of qualified faculty to ensure educational quality. While not all faculty will possess the credentials that are regarded as “hallmarks,” the overall mix of the faculty, within a given program and/or organization, should establish a foundation for maintaining and strengthening educational quality (Core Component 2b. In short, colleges and universities will value in each individual member credentials and/or experience, but the most important consideration is whether all of the members of the faculty together represent the breadth of skills, talents, and knowledge needed by the institution and the program. • Higher education organizations typically establish and periodically review the minimum qualifications and expectations of faculty teaching in different disciplines and at different levels. Policies and practices are codified and widely shared to ensure consistency and diligence in any review of qualifications for making hiring, tenure, and promotion decisions. An organization’s policies should make clear how educational preparation and professional experience are validated and weighed in determining faculty qualifications. While policies might differ among colleges, they should be clearly tied to how each institution determines “who by formal education and tested experience knows what students must learn.” • Generally, the same guidelines and principles should be used for employing part-time, adjunct, temporary, and/or non-tenure track faculty as are used in employing full-time tenure-track or tenured faculty, whose primary responsibility is teaching. Although some institutions place a heavy reliance on adjunct faculty, or give graduate teaching assistants the predominant responsibility for instruction in many course sections, an organization committed to effective teaching and learning in all courses and programs will be able to demonstrate consistent procedures and careful consideration of qualifications for all instructional faculty. • A college or university should assist a productive member of the faculty in implementing a useful program of professional development. For a faculty member with minimal credentials but considerable tested experience, that program might well involve completion of degrees, particularly graduate degrees, appropriate to that faculty member’s work. As U.S. higher education addresses the call for the academy to provide education that prepares graduates for demands of the workplace, it is possible that acceptable professional development might include internships or other opportunities to practice in the profession. The Commission does not dictate hiring standards to be applied to each member of the faculty. In providing this guidance, the Commission reflects its long-standing understanding that it is the responsibility of a college or university to establish and implement its own policies regarding faculty qualifications. The Commission’s concern is about the overall capacity of the faculty to achieve the educational goals of the institution, and to do that, the faculty must be made up of “people who by formal education and tested experience know what students must learn.” So, it can be assumed that close doors qualifications can be done.
You indicate that some(this assumes more than one) of the regional accredited agencies set standards, but you only provided me with one. I guess I would have to read all of them so I can have a better understanding, yet a better clarification. Thanks for the feedback.