Chip White and DLTruth

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by John Bear, Jun 4, 2020.

  1. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    After years of dormancy, they've taken up the matter of what has become of Chip White, not heard from for quite a long time. I confess to some interest in this matter myself.
  2. Steve Levicoff

    Steve Levicoff Well-Known Member

    Chip and I have been in contact, and I am happy to report that he is alive and well. The guy - singular - from DLT, who posts under several usernames, will latch onto anything they think is in their favor, and anyone who has read DLT will know that he is n o more a fan of mine than he is of Chip's.

    Suffice to say that Chip is well and is no more bothered by the bullshit at DI (yes, DI) than I am.:D

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