"Cheyenne Police Chief Got Degree from Diploma Mill"

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by John Bear, Apr 21, 2005.

  1. Tom H.

    Tom H. New Member

    Re: Re: "... not suitable for this forum."


    I'm not disagreeing with you about Lacrosse and K-WU. There, I just said so. Furthermore, I was not referring to your post as the one who hijacked the thread since your post had a Wyoming nexus. Rather it was the reaction to your post that sent things off on a tangent. On the issue of accreditation I stand firmly in the RA only camp ... but I have no further interest in the issue. My interests in the DL area are elsewhere. To many posters, though, accreditation seems to be the only issue; if so, why don't you utilize the forum dedicated to just that to advance the debate.

    I'm just suggesting that it may be more appropriate to confine issues that can be characterized as accredited v. unaccredited to the aptly named Accredited v. State-approved v. Unaccredited Forum. The people who have an interest in those issues will likely be more informed and their posts will have more relevancy. This should make for a more interesting exchange of ideas.

    The whole idea of an Off-Topic Forum is to accommodate issues that are not addressed elsewhere on this board. My complaint is that since there is a forum for the whole accreditation issue, why not confine the accreditation-related posts to that forum. (or just rename this forum "Off-Topic and Accreditation Discussions")

    *** Now that I've revealed my personal position on the highly emotional accreditation issue, it will be interesting to see how many negative PMs I receive. :D

    BTW Wild Bill, I'm not "trying to play moderator." I'm merely proposing that various posts be confined to the forum set up to facilitate dialogue on that very issue. Those issues that don't "fit" the other forums should be posted in the "Off-Topic Forum." I would have thought that someone who calls himself Wild Bill would be able to withstand some mild constructive criticism.
  2. kelechi

    kelechi New Member

    John, I think that is one in a million. Most times the interest on the “legitimacy” of the degree is not as strong as it is here in the United States.

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