Hey DIers! My sister-in-laws significant other is finishing his associates and looking into bachelor's degrees in special education. He is looking for cheap and accredited. I figured I would post and get recommendations for him. Recommend away please!
A few options to consider: Western Governors University Fort Hays State University East Carolina University University of West Alabama
Consider your local State University. They often give “mini scholarships” “Dean’s awards” and other discounts along the way, and your state might have other programs that match and/or forgive some debt.
Is he just wanting to stop at the Bachelors? There are so many different ways to get into the field, say, get a competency based 'general' education Bachelors and then get a grad cert/diploma or a Masters in Special Education. Depending on the cost, time he has for studies, he can go for the Masters at ACE.edu - Here's the one I am referring to for under 10K: Masters of Special Education - M.Ed in Special Ed | ACE