Cheap science courses

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Zora, May 1, 2020.

  1. Zora

    Zora New Member

    I have been accepted to a Masters of Gerontology program and I need prerequisites in :

    intro to nutrition

    I am looking for online courses only. Some are still very expensive. Can anyone recommend courses that are inexpensive and still give college credit?
  2. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member

  3. Zora

    Zora New Member

    Thank you very much for this start. Yes, undergrad is fine. It doesnt look like these may transfer credit to the university I am enrolled in (University of Southern California, Los Angeles). I would love the course to be free, but I don't mind paying a small fee. It seems most of the courses that are accepted are over $1500 per class and this is too much for me at this time. I have sent out messages to see if any of the courses from these institutions will qualify. Thanks again for your help and let me know if you hear of anything else. All the best and stay safe. :)
    Mac Juli likes this.

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