California Southern University

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by sshuang, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    You are correct that this is the first NA PsyD.
  2. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member

    A DETC Psy.D. is another one of these solutions awaiting a problem. If a doctorate in psychology that prepares you to attain licensure in California and has no other utility for teaching or research in higher education meets your needs, then go for it. That said, the content of the degree looks valuable for already established counselors and psychologists.
  3. Tylin

    Tylin New Member

    Congrats to Cal Southern!
  4. cluckcluck

    cluckcluck New Member

    I'm not sure if this is the right section, however; I am about to enroll to Cal Southern University for a BBA in marketing. Have any of you taken these courses? Have you graduated? Have any potential employers pushed back on your degree?
    I'm a little anxious about making the investment, so I have a ton of questions.
  5. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member

    Why enroll in a DETC bachelors program, when there are many, many reasonably priced, regionally-accredited, and full DL alternatives, such as NCU, TUI University, and on and on... University of Phoenix, too? What about TESC, Charter Oak, or Excelsior? I highly recommend that you keep looking for a DL undergraduate alternative.

    That said, I like some of Cal Southern's (formerly SCUPS) graduate programs, such as the MFT program, Psy.D. and J.D. programs.
  6. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    This is his first post. He may not be aware of either accreditation or the wide variety of programs available.

    cluckcluck, if you haven't already, I uege you to learn about the differences between national accreditation (which schools like California Southern University have) and regional accreditation (which schools like UCLA have).

    There are many traditional colleges that are regionally accredited that offer online Bachelor's degrees in Psychology. Some of them are very inexpensive.

    Anyway, if you are aware of all this, then just ignore everything I said and go with what works for you :D
  7. emmzee

    emmzee New Member

  8. Jrapine

    Jrapine New Member

    Question about California Southern University

    I'm new to this forum (and to forum-ing in general...), so i hope I'm doing this right.
    I have a question about CSU: I'm looking for an online Master's program in Counseling Psychology. Most programs cost $35,000-45,000 but theirs cost less than $15,000 and has no residency at all. Is there some kind of catch? They claim that their program (MA) is eligible for licensing (in CA) and their course list is very similar to other universities... So how could they be so inexpensive?? Anyone has experience with that program?
  9. emmzee

    emmzee New Member

    They are inexpensive, in part, because they are a fully distance university (no campus). Also they are DETC accredited and California approved, not regionally accredited. They are also not APA accredited, which I understand is often important for psychology doctorates.

    It sounds like their MA/MSc (not sure why they have two?) program will qualify you to be a licensed family/marriage counselor in California, assuming their coursework meets the requirements listed here as they claim (section 4980.36):

    Whether it would qualify you for licensing in other states, I don't know. It likely would be more limited than a degree from a RA/APA approved school. So if you're certain you'll stay in California for the forseeable future, it might be a good value.
  10. Dfrancis

    Dfrancis New Member


    I have submitted transcripts from my schools here in Canada, and am enrolled in the BBA program in Accounting with 55 transfer credits.

    I am well aware of the differences between NA and RA, and CMA BC has already approved this school for a colleague of mine at work, so please spare me the debate of NA vs RA :)

    This school will work for me, and I may even post a blog about my experiences to help others. I start Aug 1.

    I'll keep everyone posted as there is not alot of information about this school on the forums.

    One thing that I like is he payment plan option. I get to keep my job, and won't have to take any more student loans. I have a 14 month son, so the flexibility offered was a strong selling point to me.
  11. CRS0410

    CRS0410 New Member

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