Just received the following message from adjunctnation & thought some of you all might be interested: We are also looking to add to our roster of AdjunctNation.com blogs. Right now, we have four with a fifth (The New Adjunct) set to debut after the New Year. We are looking to add another half a dozen blogs to the site. At the moment, AdjunctNation.com gets 79,000-120,000 unique visitors each month. Do you have the desire to share your experiences with teaching colleagues from across North America and around the world? Here are the bloggers we're looking for: 1. Two bloggers to contribute our "Teaching in Pajamas" blog. You are an experienced distance education faculty member, and can write once weekly about the ins and outs of life as a virtual adjunct. 2. One blogger to contribute to our "Negotiating the Paradox: Adjuncts & Writing" blog. You are active in your field, attend conferences, write and publish regularly. We're looking for someone to take over this blog, and write once weekly about the ins and outs of writing, research and publishing from the perspective of a faculty member OFF the tenure track. 3. One blogger to contribute to our "The Mentor Is In" blog. You are a very experienced faculty member, perhaps you've designed faculty orientations and/or orientation materials. This blogger will offer teaching advice to new adjunct faculty members on a weekly basis. 4. One blogger to contribute to our "The Union Army" blog. You are an experienced unionist faculty member, and can write once weekly about the ins and outs of the movement to unionize the nation's 700,000 faculty off the tenure-track. 5. One blogger to contribute to our "Part-Time Thoughts" blog. This is a wide-ranging opinion blog on the state of the part-time faculty nation, and higher education. This blogger must be able to speak authoritatively about higher education policy, part-time faculty and have a distinctive and compelling writing style. 6. One blogger to contribute to our "Freeway Flyer" blog. You are an experienced faculty member, and can write once weekly about the ins and outs of life as an adjunct who is piecing together full-time work from part-time teaching jobs. 7. One blogger to contribute to our "New Adjunct" blog. You're new to part-time teaching, and can write once weekly about the ins and outs of life as a new adjunct.This blogger must be able to speak authoritatively about higher education policy, part-time faculty and have a distinctive and compelling writing style. If you are interested, please read our current blogs first, then email me at [email protected]. Indicate which blog you would be interested in writing and send along a 500 word sample blog entry. Please include contact information (phone number), and if your sample blog entry stops me in my tracks, I'll be in touch. Pay is $25 per weekly entry to start. I look forward to hearing all who are interested in blogging for AdjunctNation.com. Sincerely, P.D. Lesko Executive Editor Certainly not a lot of money, but a lot of exposure if you have the time and the stamina for a weekly post! karo