...and the politicization of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewTyltKvB2Q Wisdom speaks loud and clear.
"White nuclear family" promotes white supremacy (says professor) The professor is an alt.left racist. Full story: Having 'white nuclear family' promotes white supremacy, says New York professor
NPR POLL: Majority Of White Americans Believe Whites Face Discrimination Full story: Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination : NPR (click and then scroll down to see poll)
I can easily trace her logic: if you're from the privileged background, and participate in generational transfer of wealth to your children who are, again, share the same background - you're maintaining the privilege system. She is not wrong, but this is a very dogmatic Marxist way to look at things. Implied scorn towards "nuclear family" is telling, and brings us all the way to 1920ies. She missed history lessons telling how these things end. I wouldn't use "alt.left" term, because it's meaningless, but she is in the left field for sure. The question is, so what? All it does is illustrating that, no, modern DNC is not Communist - old school Communism would sound something like this.
What a load of bull. Me again, do you believe whites face discrimination? I bet you do; it's best statistical predictor for supporting Trump.
Stanislav, does personal experience count in your methodology? And are you referring exclusively to racist discrimination -- or does racist prejudice count too? Stanislav, that's a good point: Marxism prevents the generational transfer of our wealth to our children (and to their children) and instead, Marxists seize wealth and then redistribute our wealth amongst all people fairly and equally [sic] (at least in theory). Marxism is good in theory, but not in practicality. What happens is that human greed gets involved -- and the upper 3% echelon of "privileged Communists" end up getting all the economic privileges and benefits -- while the other 97% of the "ruled people" end up standing in line for bread. That's not the American way in the United States, regardless of her desire for a Marxists' seizure and redistribution of all wealth.
Professor turns American flags into KKK hoods Full story: Why this art professor turned American flags into KKK hoods | New York Post
The biggest problem with Communism is that it is expressed as a struggle for secular paradise ("Forward to the Bright Future!" is an actual party slogan) - so lying, stealing, and state-sponsored violence are endorsed for the greater good. Also, everyone is supposed to fall in line in the service of the "Revolution"; dissidents are enemy. All in the service of what at heart is an inaccurate economic theory. It is accurate that Soviet system, while preaching equality, gave birth to a privileged class ("nomenklatura"). It's not distribution of wealth, per se. Soviet people were, by American standards, rather poor (but had "stability" - lots of people are nostalgic about this). Ruling class were paupers by the standards of the Western elite, too - but they had access to things like chauffeured cars (Volga or Chaika, mediocre sedans that passed for luxury cars), opportunity to buy a personal car (Lada, which is an outdated clone of Opel compact sedan. Higher ranks could even buy a car that was manufactured for export - higher quality), separate vacation resorts, closed hospitals, and opportunity to eat Italian salami and not crappy bologna the proles ate - and it made them feel like GODS. On the other hand, all of this was tied to holding a post in the system (industrial leadership, civil authorities, Army from Colonel and up, the Party, and, best of all, the KGB) - so the elites were kept in line even more efficiently than the masses. For the masses, smallest things like buying a color TV was source of great status - and there was usually someone in the Party hierarchy granting or denying these things (again, made them feel super powerful; also, one of the sources of the rampant petty corruption). It was a stable but quite unhappy system, top to bottom. Add the tight ideological control (suffocating lies and propaganda) and the army of domestic spies, and you get the picture. There's a scene in Viktor Suvorov's book Aquarium, where the narrator is lectured by a superior officer in the military foreign intelligence service (GRU). He said that Soviet spies rarely defected, because domestically, driving a Lada and having a foreign-made tape deck made them demi-gods in the eyes of the Soviet compatriots. No amount of money Western services could offer could grant the same amount of relative status. (nevertheless, Suvorov, real name Vladimir Rezun, was a military spy who did in fact defect). Of course, any officer suspected traitor was recalled and never left the GRU headquarters (a building nicknamed "the Aquarium") - they had a special crematorium to burn corpses.
DNC: White men need not apply Definition of cisgender: What cisgender means Pic of Ms. Madeleine Leader: http://www1.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Madeleine+Albright+2016+Concordia+Summit+Convenes+LbfS_vv5Qh7l.jpg Full story: DNC: White men shouldn't apply for tech jobs | Fox News
SteveFoerster, thank you for the editorial catch. Is this link better? https://media.licdn.com/mpr/mpr/shrinknp_200_200/p/4/000/159/236/33c95b7.jpg
That is dumb, bordering on self-parody. Are you sure it's not a fake? One would think that just expressing desire for "staff of diverse voices and life experiences" would have virtually same effect without being as inflammatory. It this is genuine, they need competent HR. Ironically, a group well-represented in tech jobs is South Asians; mostly men. One risks doing less than nothing for diversity by excluding white straight dudes, even if we're not exactly "discriminated against". Bottom line: actual studies conclusively show that white males are NOT a discriminated group in hiring. One can find a person prejudiced against any groups; this doesn't make all groups "persecuted".
Couldn't help noticing this. Nothing to do with Blacks vs. Whites, but I've long (approx 63 years) held an interest in Russian cars. The Russian Pobieda (Victory) was the first one I glimpsed behind the Iron Curtain, in a newspaper, as a boy, around 1954. Never saw a Pobieda here, of course. Ladas were sold here in Canada in the 1980s. At that time, they were Fiat clones - built in Togliatti, Russia - named after the father of Italian Communism. Scrap-grade cars, from the outset. I remember when my son was about 17, he bought one for $100 and the differential self-destructed within a day. He got most of his purchase money back when he scrapped it. Ladas seem to have come a long way, since then. AutoVAZ, which makes them, is in the Renault-Nissan group and lots of Renault and Nissan components end up in Ladas. Here's their newest production offering, the Vesta. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lada_Vesta Not a bad-looking car at all. And here's the concept car - the Raven. That's the fantasy Lada, I guess: https://motor-vision.co.uk/latest-news/supercars/russias-first-supercar/ Too bad - I understand around 100 Ravens will be built, but not by Lada. They just don't get low-slung, trunkless cars, I guess. My choice: I'll take a Pobieda, one of the four-door convertibles for apparatchiks and oh yes - the bigger, more powerful "pursuit" motor fitted to the KGB Pobiedas... Now, back to your usual fare. J.
...It seems I may have to settle for a model of that Pobieda ragtop. One here: https://fairfieldcollectibles.com/gaz-m20-pobeda-convertible-1-24-scale-diecast-model-by-lucky.html Nice-looking car -- to me, anyway. J.
Black denied job because she is no longer gay Full story: https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/basketball-coaching-hopeful-was-denied-a-job-she-says-its-because-shes-no-longer-gay/2017/11/01/968a3712-a7a0-11e7-b3aa-c0e2e1d41e38_story.html?utm_term=.70bb8b8c0c96
Reed College students protest "white supremecy" curriculum Reedies Against Racism: Reedies Against Racism Full story: Students at liberal Reed College stage occupation over 'whitewashed' curriculum | Fox News
me again, I don't care if your family came to the USA on a boat before or after the civil war. You are still the same skin color as the slave hordes and should be punished for it today. That's why I'm a firm believer in affirmative action. I don't care if you're a better candidate for a job or school, you have less melanin then others and therefore you are an evil person. Also, what is bad is bad to you and your culture. You can't judge other people for what they do because it's not bad for them and their culture. This is called moral relativism.... look it up. Alt-right, Nazi white supremacists like yourself are the reason I'll be screaming at the sky on the 8th.
Joeman200, thank you for sharing your opinion. The court ruled that affirmative action is illegal because it discriminates against white people. Whites cannot help it if they are born white. Either way: - discrimination is wrong - reverse discrimination is wrong - discrimination against black people is wrong - discrimination against white people is wrong - prejudice is wrong - and so on... All men are the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve -- and race in God's eyes is moot. All people of all nations, kindreds, tongues and tribes have the exact same father and mother: Adam and Eve. Food for thought.
Couldn't agree with you more! I was just seeing if you'd take the troll bait I'm about to say something that will trigger alt-left people: I'm color blind. I judge people only on their character.