Black history is not taught well

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by sanantone, Sep 30, 2024.

  1. Xspect

    Xspect Member non grata

    Wow, name-calling already. That confirms that the art of debate is dead.
  2. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    Where is the name-calling? What name did I call you? You've already incorrectly used two terms.
  3. Xspect

    Xspect Member non grata

    @SteveFoerster or which ever mods are on duty. Please remove all of my posts from this thread. I mistakenly wasted my time here.
  4. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    You came to this thread being abrasive and accusatory toward the members who posted. Everyone else was having a calm discussion about U.S. history. If you disagreed with any points, you could have stated so and provided sources.
  5. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    @nosborne48 's quote below was witnessed in real time. Currently, we have an active thread discussing Hamas raping women and Israel and Hamas killing babies with no sources in the majority of posts, which is perfectly fine. The people participating in the discussion have been watching and reading the news. An exchange between a mod and member is getting a bit heated, though, and has devolved into personal insults, but the thread is still open. However, the discussion of enslaved Black women being raped was so offensive to ONE member that it got a thread shut down.

  6. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Historically, we don't do that.

    BTW, everyone, I ticked the wrong box on this thread and then got called away to do something else before I could fix it. If I'd closed it on purpose I'd have left a comment about it. (I did take the liberty of consolidating into this thread the immediate complaint about it, though.)
  7. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Someone on a similar thread elsewhere responded with Krilov fable about the Geese.
    While not exactly applies to this topic, there is something about it.
    Not aimed to insulting anybody.

    Xspect likes this.
  8. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    A reported personal attack was deleted. If there's another, we will close this thread.

    This is hardly an unworthy topic. Does anyone have anything useful to say?
  9. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    I suggest giving that one person a timeout if he cannot control himself instead of penalizing everyone with closed threads.
  10. Xspect

    Xspect Member non grata

    Please address the personal attack on my education without resorting to gender bias. Both my parents and I have endured physical assaults related to this issue. This thread is deeply traumatizing, as it was a WOMAN who directed racial attacks against me on the school bus during this distressing incident. Close the thread or BAN me . I refuse to let it die. Reference Lamar Riots
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2024
  11. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    This thread is criticizing the school system. Criticizing your schools for not teaching you common knowledge is not a personal attack. You should have been taught what the term common knowledge means, you should have been taught about the horrors of chattel slavery, and you should have been taught about the genetic makeup of the African American population. That is assuming that you're American.

    This is not a safe space. Higher education covers sensitive topics. If you can't handle sensitive topics, then stop reading the thread. Out of all the controversial topics on this sub-forum, this is the one you chose to complain about. This sub-forum has been discussing the rapes and atrocities committed in Israel and Gaza for months. You haven't complained once. I know you're trolling right now; you're always trolling.
  12. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    @SteveFoerster This is the problem with just locking threads. This person took personal offense to the topic for some strange reason. Instead of exiting the thread, he intentionally went off the rails to get this thread locked. When you lock threads without suspending the person who is intentionally trying to stop the conversation, you reward the troublemaker and stop other members from discussing the topics of their choosing.
  13. INTJ

    INTJ Member

    Caucasians didn't do more than the enslaved did to end their own slavery. My ancestors resisted and fought a thousand different ways, big and little, to free themselves. So much so that Dr. Samuel Adolphus Cartwright invented the "mental illness" drapetomania to explain why enslaved people ran away so much.
  14. INTJ

    INTJ Member

    Generally, they were known to be the children of their owners, but not acknowledged. It was like an open secret. However, some owners didn't enslave their children and did provide for them. There are a couple of instances of this in my own family tree branches.
  15. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Yes but toward the end of slavery, several Southern States passed laws forbidding manumission. A child born to an enslaved mother was a slave whether her "owner" liked it or not.

    Sometimes I think white people don't have any concept of the sheer commercial scale of black slavery in this country by the 1850s. The Southern economy depended on slavery both for agricultural labor and also for the profitable production of slaves. Yes, people. Slaves were FARMED.

    You do not want to know the details.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2024
    Jonathan Whatley and INTJ like this.
  16. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    One Southern "hero", Nathan Bedford Forrest, made his fortune that way. If there's a Hell, I hope he's in it.
    INTJ likes this.
  17. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Sure. Slavery is bad. In the U.S., slavery was bad and its effects are still felt through systemic means (CRT). People who insist on "merit" often do so from privileged perspectives. Instead of reparations, I would prefer concentrated efforts, like affirmative action and DEI initiatives, to even the playing field. I agree with nosborne48 that slavery was far more horrific than our whitewashed history will tell you. Disney's Song of the South has been stricken from the record, yet Gone With the Wind persists. Anyone who insists that "becoming Black" is a political advantage is an unhinged idiot. And I really like grapes. Finally, I won't argue any of that.

    "I saw a wino eating grapes. I said, 'Dude, you have to wait....'" -- Mitch Hedberg
    nosborne48 and Bill Huffman like this.
  18. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Times change, things that we see as wrong today, where the norm ( not saying it was right) decades ago.
    I think a lot improved in race relations just from living in US for 40+ years.
    Yes there are setbacks, I was shocked when Rodney King riots broke, I got a call to stay in a hotel and not drive home as I can get attacked for appearing to look white.
    Business burned, but our city police blocked access to the city so it wasn't vandalized as bad, eventually the riots repeated BLM decades later.
    The baggage is definitely there for all sides involved, discrimination still there.
    The question I ask how to move forward not backward in race relations and be fair to all that suffered from slavery then.
    After all, there is no more slavery. So remembering past and affects that the affected communities had carried long time, as discrimination took different forms.
    The key is education, it has to be balanced, covering the bad, the ugly and good. Focusing on building the good future together as community.
  19. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    Some historians credit the Haitian Revolution for influencing slave revolts in the U.S. and compelling the British to abolish slavery. Thomas Jefferson was so afraid of Haiti's influence that he put in place a trade embargo hoping Haiti would fail economically. Essentially, he was trying to make an example out of them.
  20. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Most white folks back in the 1800's and earlier didn't really consider slaves to be human, especially if they were slave owners or lived in a slave legal state. At least in this modern day, racists like Trump usually don't want to openly admit that they're racist. Maybe it sounds weird but that is significant progress, IMHO.

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