I know I know they are way to expensive but if one had to choose a for profit college which would it be? I have read good things about WGU.
Love WGU, and I'm quite pleased with my degree, but they are a Non-Profit College Nonprofit Online University | Affordable Online Degree
I'd have to say Harrison Middleton University, especially since it turns out that they're not too expensive. Very specialized, though!
I really enjoy American Military University (APUS/AMU) but I'm taking graduate classes and can't speak for the undergrad program.
I agree with Bazonkers on this one. I had a bad experience at APU (both sides were at fault) but many people have had a quality time there. They offer a tremendous amount of options, as well. I'm considering giving them another try down the road if I'm not totally burned out by school after my current program.
AMU/APU does seem to do a lot of things right, and they have mostly bypassed the stigma often attributed to "for profit" schools. I think the incredible penetration into the military market is another strong selling factor in their favor.
I would choose APUS (American Public University System) for regional accreditation, cost, and not having a horrible reputation. I would maybe attend Patten University since it's self-paced, cheap, and regionally accredited. Western International University has gotten pretty affordable, but they're owned by the Apollo Group, the same company that owns University of Phoenix. When I attended WIU, the quality was not good.
Thank you all for the responses I had heard about APU as well jut seeing whatsoever out there I may end up at a for profit depending on the program
Just trying to keep my options open I prefer non profit but see no harm in attending a good for profit (well other than the harm to my wallet)
What was the issue with APUS? The APUS graduate level pricing is good. It's less than $1000 per class. However, my local state university charges a whopping $2800 for one class (and they are taxpayer supported). It's disgusting.
Once your past any real or imagined stigma of a given entity (Uof P is rather notorious for example), it doesn't really matter what the profit status is. I concentrate less on big picture like "which for profit is best", and instead focus in on what programs meet your needs. Once you ID a few look a little deeper and explore how they mesh with your goals and abilities...pic based on those attributes. For the most part the profit status probably won't matter in the end.
I tried doing that but every time I started looking into a for profit I looked around on here and noticed how disliked the particular one was that's why I asked for a few recommendations just to weed out the obvious bad apples.
Online Bachelors in CS are everywhere. I would start by looking in your home state. TESC should have something flexible, WGU is a good choice if you like the style of the delivery. AMU is a good choice. Even Harvard Extension has a CS Field of study, and you could minor in business (program is rigorous and requires at least a few weeks in Cambridge) Fields and Minors for the Bachelor's Degree at Harvard Extension School The possibilities in CS are tremendous.
These tuition rates aren't up to date, but they aren't far off. Online Degree Search Results: 891 Accredited Online Bachelor Degree Programs | GetEducated.com I think you're going to have a hard time finding a CS program with an emphasis in management. A minor in a business-related field is probably as close as you're going to get. CIS and MIS programs are a mixture of IT and business.