Berkeley/Haas EE: $2600 Digital Transformation Cert

Discussion in 'Business and MBA degrees' started by eriehiker, Nov 18, 2020.

  1. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    I disagree that employers are turned off when their people don't waste money. So long as someone doesn't misrepresent this as being for credit, I see no downside to listing it, and significant potential upside.
    Johann, Thorne and Maniac Craniac like this.
  2. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    I suspect prospective employers mostly have better things to do with their time than investigate and make judgments about what you paid for stuff - zero or otherwise. I say as long as you don't represent it as something it's not (e.g. credit) you're good to go. Can't hurt, might help -- significantly, as Steve says.
    And yes - agree with Steve also that it might also be a plus if they find you were smart enough to get it for free.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2020
  3. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member


    Being a purchasing manager, I had similar thoughts. "You actually paid $50K for an MBA you could have gotten for a fraction of the price on the net with the same quality? Why, exactly. does this qualify you to be a purchaser?" :)

    Best regards,
    Mac Juli
    Johann and Maniac Craniac like this.
  4. TeacherBelgium

    TeacherBelgium Well-Known Member

    I think it depends on how one looks at education.
    It's because I can't afford it but if I had 110k$ I would go to INSEAD business school or to Wharton or Kellogg (provided that I would be admitted in the first place) just to brag about having gone to said school.
    I think it's beautiful that if one can afford that, to use education as something '' elitist '' to distinguish yourself from other people.
    But I know that that kind of thinking is frowned upon by many, so I try to suppress it.
    There is just that '' luxury '' feel about having gone to a school that others can't afford, I think.
    A luxury feel that would make it worth it to pay that much.
  5. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Yes. Please try harder.
  6. TeacherBelgium

    TeacherBelgium Well-Known Member

    It's okay if you don't agree with everything I have to say. Don't see why that would mean I can't voice my opinion though. I did so in a respectful way.
  7. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    I don't really see what your statement had to do with respect, Vincent. And yes - you can voice any opinion, but depending what it is - you can't expect everyone to like it. (I think that exact thing happened once before recently, with your remarks on other races. But let's forget that unfortunate lapse for now.) What I said was just an indication that I don't like your statement. You still have the freedom to insert your foot in your mouth any time.
    I don't think it's "beautiful." I think it's an ugly thought. It's like someone rich, in a deprived country, buying him/herself a large, luxurious car for no other reason but to distinguish him/herself from the "rabble" who miss meals with some regularity.

    The true purpose of education is It's OK to want to go to a really expensive school because you think it will make you the BEST psychologist, financial analyst, historian or whatever your ambition. Education is NOT meant to be like a Brioni suit, an Aston-Martin car or an apartment overlooking Central Park. Get something like those if you want to isolate yourself from the "herd."

    And if you isolate yourself to a great degree, you risk being alone. Been there. done that. Wasn't what it's cracked up to be. Just a suggestion - do as you prefer.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2020
    innen_oda and Mac Juli like this.
  8. TeacherBelgium

    TeacherBelgium Well-Known Member

    It's your prerogative to not like what I have to say.
    As long as I formulate in a way in which I'm not attacking anyone and just formulate it in a general way, I don't see why I should withold my opinion.

    Education is elitist to some degree though.
    Why do people pay 150k for certain MBA programmes?
    For the network and prestige that comes with it. The knowledge can be googled if they only wanted that (nopaymba).
    But each to their own.

    ~De gustibus et coloribus non disputandum est.
  9. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Then don't. But I think you formulated it in a rather specific way - that spending a great amount of money on education would allow you to feel superior to those who were in a different economic class. I'm not Karl Marx (I hate the guy because he let at least one of his children starve to death) but that raises hackles - at least with me.
  10. TeacherBelgium

    TeacherBelgium Well-Known Member

    Well, every statement someone makes will always have at least some opponents.
    You can't do good for everyone, my grandmother always said.
    Now let's just stop talking about it, if we can please.
  11. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Nor do I if that's your choice, even though I'm with Johann in finding that sort of conspicuous consumption to be gauche at best.
    Maniac Craniac likes this.
  12. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member

    ...had to grin, as I had to look up what "gauche" means in English. In French, it means "left"; and also in the political sense. Pardon this insignificant quip!
  13. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    English appropriated some French words and gave them new, less-favorable meanings. Payback for the Norman Conquest of 1066. :) Even if we weren't there -- we still remember.
    Mac Juli likes this.
  14. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member

  15. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Ha, that's true, the meaning in English is slightly different: tacky.
  16. Thorne

    Thorne Active Member

    Going back to this, I'm waiting for them to give me the Specialization certificate. I have the course certificates, all of them look like this [​IMG]

    I would imagine that the Specialization Certificate will look similar, in which case you could easily say, "Fundraising Certificate, PhilanthropyU & Berkely Haas" without misrepresenting anything.

    With all the discussion, you could have taken the courses already and seen whether it was worth it after the fact. Took me like 4 hours to do all three.

    Edit: No idea why the image isn't loading, so there's the Imgur link.
  17. Thorne

    Thorne Active Member

    Last update on this one for those who are interested. The Specialization certificate has the PhilanthropyU logo but has BerkeleyHaas listed as the endorser(?)

    It's basically an EdX certificate from Berkeley, but instead of having "BerkeleyX" it's "Berkeley, Haas School of Business" plastered on the bottom. Not a bad use of four hours :D
    innen_oda likes this.
  18. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    I finished all 3 courses, too, but I don't see how or when I'm supposed to get the certificate. Do they send it manually? The others were automatic.

    While it's more than possible to sprint through the courses in a few hours (for some odd reason, they only require 50% completion and the quizzes allow for unlimited re-tries) there's more than enough content to keep a newbie to the subject busy for much longer. There were several readings, podcast lectures, quizzes, open-ended responses, profiles of real-life organizations and realistic mock projects.

    Ultimately, it really is just another MOOC certificate where you can but don't necessarily have to learn a lot along the way. I guess that means that completion of the certificate is not such a good measure of the student's knowledge, but they are some good, free, courses for those who just want to learn.
    Life Long Learning and Thorne like this.
  19. Thorne

    Thorne Active Member

    I actually had to open a support ticket and they updated my profile ~4 days later.
    Maniac Craniac likes this.
  20. Life Long Learning

    Life Long Learning Active Member

    $2600 for a MOOC cert
    innen_oda likes this.

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