Just received the book " Get your IT Degree and Get Ahead" and I want to commend the helpful descriptions of the programs, especially the listing of the cheapest programs available. Makes my job of finding a reasonably priced degree much easier. There is one question to Dr. Bear: You mentioned on the degree.net website on the recommended reading list that the book "College on Your Own" should be re-published. I agree. Do you feel qualified to edit this book? I would love to see you take on this project. The only problem with this book is that it doesn't have anything on computer science (just liberal arts/humanities, science and mathematics, etc.) You could make this book a real tool for people who are going the non-traditional route; it can also serve for curriculum planning for AP classes at high schools. Please consider undertaking this project! Sincerely, Quisqueya
We hope that the fortchoming Bears' Guide to the Best Computer Degrees by Distance Learning will, to some extent fill this gap. While it doesn't endeavor to provide school-independent curricula (maybe in a future edition!) like "College On Your Own", it does provide a number of computer science and IT options that have never before (to my knowledge) been profiled in a single book. Larry McQueary -shamelessly self-promoting co-author of Bears' Guide to the Best Computer Degrees by Distance Learning, due out on the shelves by mid-March.
Quisqueya asks, You mentioned on the degree.net website on the recommended reading list that the book "College on Your Own" should be re-published. I agree. Do you feel qualified to edit this book? I would love to see you take on this project. Qualified, yes. Time, no. There are a lot of fine books that deserve to be reanimated in this field. Winning the Ph.D. Game would be top of my list. I had hoped that the Degree.net division of Ten Speed (a company in which I have no involvement other than as author) would do these kinds of things, but they are moving slower than I would have hoped. Still, there will be two all-new books this year, ...Best Computer Degrees by DL (a McQueary-Bear-Bear-Head production) and ...Best Education Degrees a Head-Nixon-Bear-Bear production. Hey, stick with this forum and become a co-author. 3 people met here, so far, and 3 others in the works for 2002. John Bear
For some reason I took a look at the topic, and all I could think of was "Boar's Head" (the Deli meat company). Gotta get out those old Psychology books from my life BC (before computers) -Dave
Dave, sir, I hope you have mispelled words, and you have been drinking. To me, your comment is insulting. I think you should edit or delete your quote. Erma Ash -------------
Sorry, I guess I have a thin skin. I hope you don't take it personal. However, if I read more posts from you, my skin may eventually getting thinker. Actually, I just learned something from you. From now on, I will write the way that it can be understood not only by me but rather for everyone on this board as my audience. Erma Ash
Huh...wha? I'm sorry; I wasn't paying attention. Peace, Tom, who ain't sure exactly what he was supposed to be offended about.