For anyone familiar with this institution at, do you this their cyber degree would be considered a STEM degree? i have about 4 months of GI Bill left and just discovered the Edith Nourse Rogers scholarship that can add another 9 months or 30k$ for undergraduate tuition. Sitting here this evening trying to strategize and inquire.
SANS has been talked about on the sister board as well, they're a bit too expensive for my tastes... in fact, my suggestion for you is to quickly get a BS from WGU instead, with the extra scholarship (if you do get it) use that towards another degree but at the Masters level at WGU again. For example, do the BSCIA and ladder to MSCIA - here are their programs: Online IT Degrees – Information Technology Degrees ( Oh, one last thing, you may want to go for their Accelerated BS/MS combo instead!
Oh wait, I just saw your signature... haha... in that case, forget what I mentioned, I don't know if this BS at SANS will help you at all since you already hold a BSIS, MSIA, and working on your MBA.
Here you go, if you can get in for free, I would spend the rest of the GI Bill on something else: VetSuccess Immersion Academy | SANS Institute
Based on what you already, I would recommend your Doctorate program instead. You don't need another Bachelor's degree since you already have three Masters. SANS Institute is not well known, and is too pricy. University of the Cumberlands's Ph.D. in IT with Information Security or Digital Forensic Dakota State University's Ph.D. in Cyber Operations/Cyber Defense If you are not interested in the Doctorate program, then you should go for another Master's degree from a top school. - Georgia Tech's Master in Cyber Security
The 4 months of GI Bill might be eligible for grad school (though that wouldn't be enough even at WGU to complete a Master's), but the Edith Nourse Rogers STEM Scholarship is explicitly for undergrad. Sounds like the OP is trying to take full advantage of the benefits that exist at the undergrad level.
The SANS BS is purely for future job opportunities to get the GIAC certs at minimal cost and hassle. As Dustin said, the scholarship is only for STEM undergrad degrees and you get 9 GIAC certs through that BS. After speaking with SANS yesterday, I can transfer in my other BS transcript to account for Gen Ed classes and just take the other cyber courses (with the certs as the final exam) for 8 weeks/course. I spoke with VA Ed and applied for the scholarship. MBA and UND PhD are still in the plans over the next 6-7 years as well.