Any advice on the 10 best non RA individualized DLP

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by nfil-in-oz, Feb 24, 2002.

  1. Maven

    Maven New Member

    Actually, it just isn't funny, plain and simple. Now, come on, say something "funny" back. Everyone one is entitled to an "opinion" unless it doesn't agree with you, plain and simple. I believe in uplifting people, not degrading them with snide remarks. When all is stripped down to our core essence I'd like to be remembered how I encouraged people rather than how I made fun of them shooting themselves in the foot. FYI I hold 2 RA degrees and distance learning is a hobby. I'm sure you are a good person Dr. Levicoff; I'd really like to see that side of you.
  2. levicoff

    levicoff Guest

    You say "Po-tay-to," I say "Po-tah-to"

    Naaahhhhhh . . .

    Everyone is entitled to an opinion, period - even you, Maven. But what you call "encouraging people," I call hyping the unaccredited program from which you graduated - Frederick Taylor University - as well as engaging in an apologia for unaccredited programs in general. I submit that's what psychologists used to call "mutual masturbation" - in this case, getting others to enroll in unaccredited programs so you can share the screwed up decision that you made for yourself.

    Do you have the right to do so? Hell, yes! Just as I have the right to call you on it. That's what dialogue is about. If you can't handle the heat . . .

    As for my being a good person, suffice to say that I really do not say "Po-tah-to." And as for your two RA degrees and my three RA degrees, I can't help thinking about George Carlin's great line, "I lead Richard Pryor in heart attacks, two-to-one. He leads me in setting himself on fire, one-to-zip." Nothing personal, Maven, but I can't be bothered whippin' them out and playing cocksmanship games. Nice try, though. [​IMG]
  3. nfil-in-oz

    nfil-in-oz New Member

    Looks like this is a hot issue!

    Well gentlemen, you all have been entertaining & inspirational to say the least... I didn't realise this was such a hot issue. Thanks for your contributions... Now, how about telling us what's happening with CCWU in Malawi etc., whilst you all like to tear each other to shreads... go for it!
  4. Maven

    Maven New Member

    As for my being a good person, suffice to say that I really do not say "Po-tah-to." And as for your two RA degrees and my three RA degrees, I can't help thinking about George Carlin's great line, "I lead Richard Pryor in heart attacks, two-to-one. He leads me in setting himself on fire, one-to-zip." Nothing personal, Maven, but I can't be bothered whippin' them out and playing cocksmanship games. Nice try, though

    Actually I wasn't "boasting" to fact that I have 2 RA degrees. It was a stated fact. It is you who felt the need to mention that you have 3, as a sort "mine is longer than your's analogy". My mention of having 2 RA's was simply in response to your incorrect statement that I have a degree from FTU.
  5. Tom Head

    Tom Head New Member

    My two cents, just in case somebody cares:

    I see nothing wrong with doing a legitimate unaccredited individualized distance learning program, but I have no idea why someone would specifically seek these out as opposed to, say, legitimate accredited individualized distance learning programs. If it's the cost issue, look at South Africa or Australia. If it's the residency issue, try Lesley University or one of the other nonresident RA individualized master's programs. If it's the rigor issue, you're asking the wrong question; the best unaccredited DL programs are, by definition, the most rigorous (but if you're looking for something less rigorous than RA, some of the DETC-accredited or TRACS-accredited programs might qualify). But don't limit yourself to unaccredited schools, because that's silly; it's like saying "What's the best car I can buy at full retail price with no payment plan?" or "Where can I find a pair of pants that don't fit?" It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to focus specifically on unaccredited schools just because they're unaccredited.

  6. Re: An outstanding example . . .

    Steve Levicoff: "He's a putz but he's funny." Though I don't know about his recent predilection for animated graphics...
  7. Ken

    Ken member

    If the best unaccredited DL programs are, by definition, the most rigorous... shouldn't the best accredited DL programs be, by definition, the most rigorous???
  8. dramahead

    dramahead New Member

    Concerning Levicoff....I've gotta agree with Maven. The guy simply bugs me.
  9. And I'm sure you know that Steve will be simply delighted about this!
  10. dramahead

    dramahead New Member

    Yes, I'm sure he's chickin' his lops!:D
    Actually Gert, his only mission in life seems to be the living definition of hoity-toity. This is a wonderful forum for liberals who by their own self-contradiction and/or hypocrisy, delight in new ideas and change, yet ridicule those who choose a different path.
    It's okay to be homosexual according to the good doctor, in fact he even delights in making fun of it, but you are an idiot if you have a degree from a non RA? God forbid! Oh my......Now defending homosexuality or defending a non RA...hmmmmm..good god do we have something in common?
  11. Tom Head

    Tom Head New Member

    I don't see what the two have to do with each other, except that each doubles your chances of getting screwed.

    (The Bayesian homophobia quotient here is, near as I can tell, no higher than 0.003. There are effective and meaningful ways to argue with Steve on the issue of non-RA degrees. Giving unsolicited advice on his sex life isn't one of them.)

  12. Maven

    Maven New Member

    The Bayesian homophobia quotient here is, near as I can tell, no higher than 0.003. There are effective and meaningful ways to argue with Steve on the issue of non-RA degrees. Giving unsolicited advice on his sex life isn't one of them.)

    Advice? I don't believe Dramahead is giving advice. It appears as though he/she is drawing a parallel between homosexuals defense of their choice and those who choose nonRA's. I am sure Dr. Levicoff has been in the position (no pun intended) of defending his sexuality at some point in his life as those with nonRA's do ocassionally. ;) Of course it will be argued that it isn't a choice for them but rather an innate feeling. To whence I argue that same innate feeling comes upon those who choose nonRA's. To coin a famous Liberal.."It just feels right". Isn't choice the mantra of the left?

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