  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I do not know yet. I applied for graduation and true to form called after hearing nothing and they thought they had lost my request. I assured them my check was cashed they checked and were then sure they had lost the request. A little more checking and it turned out they had it ( this was over the course of several days contacting them). They were gracious enough to graduate me rather than waiting until May. Got a transcript but no diploma. Called and was told those were issued in May. I asked about the process as I said I knew someone who said his looked like it was run on a laser printer (curious as to why it could not be simply printed). I was assured that although they do run them themsleves they are done on an expensive copier.

    I hope to see it eventually. Not too sure based on the look of my transcript and yet to be seen diploma what my 100 bucks bought.

    In all fairness in spite of the mis steps the ACCS folks have been really really nice and try to be helpful.

    It is getting closer to the day we find out how things went. I pray for them and all of those whose lives will be impacted. Certainly, even if you graduate you want your school to remain accredited (much less to explain). I might even consider re enrolling If I can psych myself up to go through the admin headaches again.

  2. BLD

    BLD New Member

    Yes, as a graduate I want them to remain accredited and I do want the best for them also. That being said, for the life of me I don't see why it is so hard for them to get organized. I have graduated from several different colleges and if you added up all their mistakes, mishaps, lost files, etc...it would not come even close to 1/100th of the ones I've seen from ACCS. I just don't get it. The fact is, for a school that has been around as long as they have it's just plain inexcusable.

    BTW, the first time they sent my diploma it had the wrong date on it and they had to reprint it.

  3. pugbelly

    pugbelly New Member

    There has been a lot of discussion on this thread about Trinity being a possible alternative to ACCS. Which Trinity?
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

  5. Robert

    Robert New Member


    Any news yet?
  6. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    I've come up with nothing yet, Robert. If I do, I'll post promptly.
  7. pugbelly

    pugbelly New Member

    Still nothing! I checked in with TRACS today and received the following email from them:

    "The Accreditation has just concluded its meeting last week. Prior to any public information regarding the official business of the
    Commission being released, the official minutes must be received by the
    TRACS office from the Commission Secretary. As soon as this office has
    received the official minutes we will release official information
    concerning actions of the Commission concerning institutions.

    Thank you for your inquiry."

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