A landmark labor law win!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Abner, Oct 12, 2018.

  1. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

  2. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Good! Telling cashiers they have to stand all day because stools are a safety hazard seems a bit fatuous. Have many Wal-Mart cashers died falling off their stools? I'm pleased that common sense prevailed. (My recollection is that just about every supermarket and bank I've been in other countries had seated cashiers.)
  3. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    After hours, perhaps.
  4. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    Looks like the Walmart employees...

    :emoji_smirk::emoji_raised_back_of_hand: :emoji_dark_sunglasses:


    weren't going to stand for it anymore.

  5. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    you are correct on you recollection. It works well for them, and they have less workmen's comp cases.

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