A Friend in Need... Theatre, or Production Online Jobs?

Discussion in 'Online & DL Teaching' started by Jodokk, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. Jodokk

    Jodokk Member

    I have a good friend who has found himself without work, with a big family to feed after developing and nurturng a really great theatre program at the local CC where I teach. The college has gutted the program and removed all classes since NC has decided that they are no longer "needed."
    Since I am that "online" guy, he's asked to meet me to talk opportunities for online teaching. My first thought is no way... sounds like a pretty difficult discipline to find in any online courses.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks Y'all.

  2. AV8R

    AV8R Active Member

    What are your friend's credentials? What graduate degrees does he/she have?
  3. Jodokk

    Jodokk Member

    He has an MFA in Theatre Production.

  4. Smirnoff

    Smirnoff New Member

    A full-time job with health benefits appears to be the ticket.
  5. Jodokk

    Jodokk Member

    I have to agree. Thanks!

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