A Discussion on the Value of an MPA

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by friendorfoe, Nov 4, 2006.

  1. BruceP

    BruceP Member

    I respectfully disagree.... Perhaps it depends on the department... it seems to me that Rule 3 applies to every promotable position (above line officer)... and especially for those aspiring to get promoted into it.

    I believe it is the rare person who can get promoted to Chief without being a "political animal..." (ie. butt-kisser extraordinaire)

    "Shameless" is so beautifully descriptive...
  2. friendorfoe

    friendorfoe Active Member

    So here's another question that I already suspect an answer to, but I'll ask anyhow....

    Does the MPA have a greater diversity of utility over a Master of Science in Criminal Justice?
  3. BruceP

    BruceP Member

    On the surface, yes.

    The MPA technically covers the entire public and non-profit sectors. If it's in government it relates (except for specialized occupations that may require specialized degrees in accounting, law, public health, social work, psychology, urban and regional planning, etc...)

    The various grad degrees in CJ (MA/MS/MCJ/MJA/etc...) are limited in focus to law enforcement, corrections, academe, research and public policy oriented professions, and sometimes stretched into private security, intelligence operations, computer security, etc...

    Beyond this simplistic perspective the responsibility is yours to market yourself on the resume and/or job application (thereby crossing over and expanding the utility of the various degrees). Your resume and/or job application must be well thought out and comprehensive enough to get you in the door to sit for examinations and interviews... so how you market your education and experience is very important...

    Careful selection of electives, completing specializations/concentrations, earning graduate certificates, writing a thesis, and even emphasizing your undergrad and grad degrees combined to stretch your educational qualifications (enhancing your appearance by drawing a logical correlation between your earned degrees, weaving them together so that they support one another to strengthen your qualifications)...

    Caution – I am NOT talking about creative license to market illusions of what you would like to look like...

    So in reality it depends on how well you planned your future, achieved your plans, and how well you market yourself... so the MA/MS can be just as good as the MPA...

    (Yes, I know... I can take a really simple question and make a federal case out of it...)
  4. friendorfoe

    friendorfoe Active Member

    Bruce, you should have been a lawyer.:D

    But I think I see what you are saying.
  5. BruceP

    BruceP Member

    That's not the first time I've heard that! And I have considered law school... and I do find the process of "hair-splitting" in discussions to be fun... and I have enjoyed this discussion...

    I was actually trying to avoid getting involved in discussions that didn't relate to my immediate concerns... but your discussion sucked me in and my force field didn't work... :D

    Oh no... I've fallen off of the wagon...
  6. friendorfoe

    friendorfoe Active Member

    I do appreciate the input though.

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