7 out of 10 Sexual Assault Victims Never Report

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by sanantone, Sep 24, 2018.

  1. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member


    Whether or not you believe Christine Ford, the worst and dumbest defense of Kavanaugh is to question why Ford never reported. Most sexual assault victims never report.

    There are many reasons why victims never report: they're ashamed, they don't want to relive the experience by talking about it, they're in an unwelcoming environment, they don't believe the police will do anything, etc. When sexual assaults are reported, most perpetrators will never be sentenced to incarceration for multiple reasons: police refuse to investigate, departments are behind on testing rape kits (some departments have thousands of untested kids sitting for years), or a lenient judge sentences the sexual predator to probation.

    On a related topic, a user here blamed molestation victims for not reporting and putting other children in danger. So, why do so many child molestation victims never report? First of all, they were CHILDREN when they were victimized. Half the time, they don't even know that what is happening to them is wrong. And, if they are very young, they likely won't even be able to articulate what happened.

    Child sexual abuse victims are also manipulated by their perpetrators and often threatened with harm to themselves or their families. When children do say something to family members or others they know well, they're too often not believed because most perpetrators have a relationship with the family.

    A few decades ago, there was a trend of judges placing children back with the parents who had molested them. Some judges even placed blame on the children in court. "He was under a lot of stress, and the child confused him by sitting on his lap and attempting to comfort him." That's roughly a quote from a judge I read in an article a long time ago.
  2. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    NYPD said this fifty years ago.
  3. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    That's disgusting.

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