18-credit Executive MPA

Discussion in 'Business and MBA degrees' started by sanantone, Mar 3, 2023.

  1. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    The most common number asked for is 18 credits, but I just saw an ad that only asked for 12 credits.
  2. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Generally 18, although IIRC one of the smaller regionals was okay with 12, at least at one point.

    When I was at Southeastern University in DC in 2005-6, I tried to convince our Provost to offer 18 credit graduate certificates online and market them to adjuncts who wanted to be able to add a teaching discipline, but sadly it was not to be.
    MaceWindu and Jonathan Whatley like this.
  3. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Am I right in thinking that a master's degree in something is usually the minimum qualification to teach at the college level?
  4. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Usually, but not always. And "Master's degree in anything and 18 semester-hours in the discipline to be taught" is the usual requirement. So if you have a Master's in English and 18 semester-hours in Finance, you're usually considered academically qualified to teach both Finance and English.
  5. Just went back and looked at the Marywood website.

    The 18 credit masters degree is still being offered, but it has been renamed an "executive masters in non-profit leadership and public management"

    they still advertise a 30 credit option for folks new the the workforce and the 18 hour "executive" program.

    both are advertised as fully NASPAA accredited which blows my mind if true

    cost is up to 880/credit

    Last edited: Oct 6, 2024
    MaceWindu likes this.
  6. MaceWindu

    MaceWindu Active Member

    If that was me I would have implemented your suggestion and gave you a raise or promotion. That’s money coming in.
    SteveFoerster likes this.
  7. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    You hiring? ;)
    MaceWindu likes this.

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