Cost of schools not that important?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Odin, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. rebel100

    rebel100 New Member

    Odin, take a look at this...I ran across it today and immediately thought of you (see I do care :) ) The Nefarious Hidden Costs of Debt it frames my argument more eloquently than I can.
  2. Odin

    Odin New Member

    I agree with everything he said. When debt is necessary, and you believe the payoff will be greater than the cost, it's worth it. I see no problem with anything in the article.
  3. Odin

    Odin New Member

    All I have are teachers that I work with or have worked with that have been in both sectors. Unfortunately, since these schools are private entities, it's virtually impossible to find pay scales for them. And I know nothing about northeastern schools, since I'm a native of the CA Bay Area.

    That being said, I can give you a few examples. I know of one female teacher, she worked for a christian school in the area for around 10 years. Her kids went to the school and once the graduated she left and went into public education. Her first public job started out at 40k. After 10 years at the christian school she said she never broke 30k. She didn't have a degree when she started teaching there, but she eventually finished it. After going into public education she had to go back to school to get certified.

    I have an uncle that just retired and taught at Mater Dei High School in Orange County. Their pay is equivalent to public teachers. The only thing he hated was the fact that the parents with more money had more power, and basically owned you since their tuition and donations paid for your salary.
  4. isellpower

    isellpower New Member

    I attended, as you might say, a bush league Jesuit HS. My English teacher (Father) had a PhD. from Norte Dame. I can remember his ample amounts of ND swag on the Friday before game days. The Sister that taught most of my math classes had a PhD. from Holy Cross. It was in a low income area of town and far from being a rich kid school (Creighton Prep). Every teacher there had A+ hardware hanging on the wall that no public school staff could ever compete with. With an ACT average of 26, it's hard to argue their teaching credentials. Currently it's 9k per year to attend. Expensive, but almost half pay nothing and many of the truly wealthy parents pick up the tuition for an extra student or two. You are just simply wrong to claim that private schools have less qualified teachers than public, especially Catholic or Jesuit schools.
  5. Odin

    Odin New Member

    That's awesome that your school had teachers with PhD's. But, as we have said before, a PhD doesn't mean you're a qualified teacher, it means you know your stuff in a specific field. And let's say your school had awesome teachers (I'm not saying it didn't, I'm sure they were great), that's one school out of how many? All of the christian schools around here, aside from some very high end schools, are exactly like I described. Low pay, low expectations for teachers.
  6. ITJD

    ITJD Active Member

    Fair enough. Here's my take:

    Your evidence, while interesting is anecdotal.

  7. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

  8. Odin

    Odin New Member

    I never said it wasn't. That was the reason for commenting on it, but nobody offered any other information to refute what I've experienced. But thanks for pointing out the obvious. You have a knack for that. I wonder if there are any degrees in that subject. You should check it out.
  9. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    Odin gets a yellow card.
  10. Odin

    Odin New Member

    It feels good to pretend you have power, yes?
  11. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    I have made many mistakes in my life. Some of them have been on this board. I have retracted statements, made apologies, been corrected by others, have corrected myself and have at times simply felt stupid. Through it all I've done my best to admit when I was wrong and to correct my behavior when I was in some way unfair. It's unfortunate that Odin can not do the same.

    Odin has made some personal attacks on another member in this and another thread. He was asked politely to dial it back a notch. You see his response above. At this point Odin remains an active member with full posting privileges. What happens next is his choice.
  12. cookderosa

    cookderosa Resident Chef

    what the hell is going on? Seriously people. New guy- chill. It's not THAT kind of board.
  13. eilla05

    eilla05 New Member

    I am just going to be brutally honest here...and some of you may not like it....

    It is people like you that piss me off and are part of the reason our economy is in such a crappy state right now. People like you who are out to suck off the tit of the government and ride on the backs of your fellow American's just because you can. Don't bother to come back well its there for a reason etc because when you ask questions like these to figure out the best way to figure out how you can obtain debt simply because you know you won't ever have to repay all of it is bull sh&t and you know it and any come back you have will just be ignored by me and many others because your intention was already get debt that you don't have to repay. Yes this program is there and it is meant to be used but not by people who intentionally set out to take advantage of it which is exactly what your doing. You are the reason I wish this program didn't exist or had stricter requirements for forgiveness.
  14. ryoder

    ryoder New Member

    I could be wrong, but I think Odin is trying to illustrate the flaws in the current entitlement system by proposing to take advantage of them. I don't like it when the government chooses which occupations, majors, loans, or corporations should get a bailout. The government should not be in the business of picking the winners and losers in the economy and this loan forgiveness program does just that.

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