Quarrel with Registrar wat should I do?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by jackrussell, Jun 27, 2010.

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  1. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    This is mean but (takes a deep breath) suck it up and go about your way. If you rock the boat to much it will tip over. Dude if you're getting A's at Aspen don't change schools. You will not make it anywhere else.
  2. rickyjo

    rickyjo New Member

    I have a lot of respect for the members posting in this thread, but I think that the posters here are making a lot of assumptions, that the content of this thread is rude without cause. The poster should be considered innocent unless there's a good reason not to. We are making the environment hostile and one should not have to obsess over the language choice and grammar, etc, they use when posting to a venue as informal as an online forum.

    Forgive me but I feel that this is very rude and I just don't understand it. I humbly suggest that this thread be locked or something. I wish people would keep their opinions that could be hurtful to themselves. I don't understand the backlash against the OP, I just don't see it. Finally, although probably the wrong move, I empathize with a desire to switch schools because of a difficult member of the staff. That sounds like something I would consider. That said, it's probably a big mistake.
  3. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    I'll let the OP decide what he wants for this thread.

    Some of the posts here have been forward, but not blatantly offensive. Just mind your manners, everyone. Aight?
  4. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

  5. gettingthere

    gettingthere New Member

    ok so that was probably directed at me, which doesnt surprise me because i'm pretty much the whipping girl of the site (shout out to kizmet)

    if the guy wanted a bunch of "aww, poor baby!" or people agreeing with him, then he should not have asked for advice. like all the other memos, i have missed the one that says we are supposed to just agree with whatever the OP says. i simply wanted to bring up an obvious point of view...if we all quit schools every time we burned a bridge, or encountered someone we didn't like, we'd all be dropouts by now.

    i went by the facts: he was doing good with the first instructor, and supposedly the teacher "told" him he had an A but that teacher was replaced. by the end of the term with the new teacher, he'd earned an a-. at no time did he say he brought this up with the instructor, or that the instructor made a mistake. he just feels that since someone "told " him he was getting an A, he should have it. so he went to the registrar, and apparently above the registrar's head, as he mentioned in his other post....and finally got the A.

    the registrar was not in the class...all she did was take what the teacher gave her and entered it in the system. and she was not willing to just change it based on the word of a student. was there documentation? and again, where was the teacher????

    clearly he went overboard in pushing for his grade, and he clearly had a tantrum, which is why he "apologized". again, these are all things he has written himself.

    so now, the next time yet another teacher makes a "mistake", AGAIN he doesnt go to the teacher but to the registrar, asking to get it "fixed".

    she ignores him. i would too. he burned that bridge, so he cant expect an "apology" to magically earn him another favor.

    AGAIN i ask, why weren't any of these teachers involved? if the second teacher made a "mistake in moodle" then its up to that teacher to fix it, not some student. as a "registrar" i would NEVER just take the student's word about an issue like that.

    these people are not easily manipulated. there have been hundreds, thousands of students before you and its likely that anything you could come up with has been tried before.

    there is ALWAYS more than one way to get something done. he chose to be aggressive and apology or not, it has made him fall out of favor with the registrar. so she is no longer a viable option for any special treatment.

    has he gotten into subsequent classes? yes? ok that means the registrar is doing her job. is she going to be receptive to any other questions? probably not....we can only guess how ugly his temper got--i mean look at his temper in this thread! he yelled at me for using the word "stay" when it is precisely what he asked if he should do!

    when anyone says something contrary to what he likes or feels, he blows up. case in point: this thread...and the poor registration clerk.

    next time i post, i'll look down for the eggshells and adjust accordingly.
  6. jackrussell

    jackrussell Member

    gettingthere, such character assassination is not necessary, I have not asked for special treatment, just asking that my queries be answered, which is part of the job of the registrar. No one is manipulating anyone and I hope that you can refrain from speculation and add on additional "details" that are from nowhere.
  7. jackrussell

    jackrussell Member

    To the moderators or admins, I hope that you can close this thread since it is manipulated far beyond more original intentions and have juicy details added that are far removed from reality.
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