Is Sarah Palin the Jesse Jackson of the Republican party?

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by John Bear, Apr 22, 2009.

  1. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    Sorry, guys. You've approached this from a purely male/hetero perspective. There are many good looking Governors. Most of them are males. Don't get so caught up in this "boys club" stuff that you forget that we also have members who might be attracted to all those male governors.
  2. nick94

    nick94 New Member

    If I recall correctly she didn't say that. A comedian that looked like her did.
  3. -kevin-

    -kevin- Resident Redneck

    ABC News

    "PALIN: They're our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska."

    I guess you missed the exact quote. "Wink, wink, ya betcha!" :rolleyes:
  4. Tom57

    Tom57 Member

    This captures the current conservative strategy beautifully. "It's your mess now, and the quicker we can pin all the problems on the left, the better." Forgive us, just a bit, if we linger for awhile and point out just what a heaping mess Bush foisted on us. After all, we had 8 years of it. Republicans want to now quickly transfer all problems to Obama after 120 days or so. So ironic that we now have Cheney - the most invisible VP ever, who now can't keep his mouth shut, and no one has heard a word from Bush.

    Republicans scream (literally) about Obama's spending. When Bush was ponying up multiple billions per month on Iraq and multiplying the national debt umpteen times, Republicans were strangely silent. Now when spending is necessary to try and jump start this frozen engine of an economy, by actually investing in growth industries, the Republicans are whining endlessly about "tax and spend Democrats." Spending is fine when it's for wars, but not otherwise (education, health care, energy, infrastructure).

    Thanks, by the way, for the non-partisan cooperation so effectively communicated (sarcasm intentional). The Republicans will just sit back now and remind us each and every day that the economy hasn't turned around yet. Why not give us an update every hour instead? No it's not the Democrats' country to do with as we please. It's everyone's country. Everyone should be interested in turning this dying hulk around. That's the problem. Thank you for elucidating it brilliantly.

    It took Bush 8 years to completely ransack the economy. Let's give Obama at least as much time to try and turn it around - not 8 months.
  5. nick94

    nick94 New Member

    I don't see any necessary spending that is happening... All that I know is that congress passed TRILLIONS of dollars in "bailout" money. There are several problems with this. First, the government should not be involved in the economy. This power is not included in the constitution and therefore violates the phrase where it says any power not in the constitution is not given to the government. Second, it encourages risky loans. If the government gives money to banks that made bad decissions will the bank have learned its lesson?

    Not all the money even approved by congress is even for the recovery. (I always like to pull out the list of goofy spending in the bailout from World magazine that shows the government gave $100,000+ for doorbells in a small town) We had a recession in the 1940's that was this bad but didn't last this long. Economists say this is because the government did NOTHING to interfere with the market. In all the classes in economics I have taken no one has said that the government should do this.

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