TUI sold

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by rryan, Jul 30, 2007.

  1. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Ian: "So if the nova exploded in a home would that be a Villanova?"

    John: And if it started making moves on your wife, would that be a Casanova?
  2. ChrisH

    ChrisH New Member

    And if you drop a small block 350 in it, it becomes a Chevy Nova
  3. Chip

    Chip Administrator

    This is a function of the "possibly relevant threads" plugin I installed a few months ago; on the plus side, it reduces duplicate threads on the same topc. On the downside, it causes a dramatic increase in revival of old threads.

    ... And if Nova started a locksmithing program that ran a lock-and-key shop as an internship for their students, would they call it Nova Lox?
  4. NOVA?!?!?! AAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

  5. MISin08

    MISin08 New Member

    TUI always makes me think of an old Peanuts cartoon from my childhood where snoopy spits a ball at Charlie Brown, making the sound 'ptui'. When taken out of context, it's of course pronounced 'tooey' (like 'ptarmigan') and became a common phrase in reference to the family dog. I think their educational model is kind of exciting, but the school always reminds me of a dog-slobber-covered ball.

    BS, Business, The College Named After Packing Material (expected 2010)
  6. J3RR3L

    J3RR3L New Member

    i was thinking the same thing. haha

    By the way, I started TUI when they were still part of Touro. I learned to live with their name change.

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