TUI sold

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by rryan, Jul 30, 2007.

  1. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    carlosb: "...So does the name of the school mean an exploding star in the southeastern sky?..."

    John: Brings to mind the notion of Nova playing Capella (= 13th brightest star in our sky) in the Sagan Bowl.

    (When "Graduate School of America" morphed into "Capella" there were quite a few grumpy people posting messages, but I get the feeling it is quite well accepted now.)
  2. pr0xy

    pr0xy New Member

    yeah -- I was planning on doing the Master in Information Technology Management from Touro University... but now that these weird events have unfolded, I will definitely find another institution. Especially with a name like TUI University -- the name aspect won't help them out whatsoever.

    The only reason that got me recruited to Touro was their awesome deals to the military community. Tuition assitance cover the first $4500 dollards for the fiscal year, and Touro covers 2 more additional courses.
    The best thing about them is that they are very military friendly and oriented. Too bad for the sale.
  3. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member

    I heard on the TUI student discussion list that "TUI" means "your" or "yours" in Latin, so perhaps "TUI University" is a clever name after all. That is, the new name maintains continuity with the past and opens public relations possibilities for the angle of school being positioned as "your university". Of course, I'm just speculating here, but using a word from another language is a great way to articulate a new brand and paint a new vision for an organization.

    Very clever idea...

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2007
  4. Susanna

    Susanna New Member

    Now give it a nice Latin logo and voila` it has a new and improved image :)

    Hey, maybe we should be image consultants ;)

  5. PhD2B

    PhD2B Dazed and Confused

    That would be a clever idea. However, wouldn't they go from TUI to Tui University? Is there any way to confirm this name change is due to the Latin meaning of tui?
  6. Steve King

    Steve King Member

    I'm disappointed they didn't select a better name. I think many students attend Touro University International in spite of the name. Changing it to TUI University is even worse in my book. It's too bad because I found the education at TUI to be very good.

    Don't you think people, especially working adults, value a good sounding school name for their resume?

  7. Daniel Luechtefeld

    Daniel Luechtefeld New Member

    I suspect the name change is only an interim move. I'd bet a marketing team is already at work on something more attractive.
  8. mba_expo

    mba_expo New Member

    Also, regarding the name change, if TUI University ever wanted to expand to Europe, particularly in Germany, they may have difficulties. TUI is the name of one of the largest companies in the tourism industry.

  9. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member

    I moderate the PhD student forum (no official connection to the school) and I've been following the discussion in the general student forum (also no connection to the school). From what I can glean from reading the discussion in both groups, the Latin angle was intentional and a very practical way to morph the brand while maintaining continuity with the past. As for using "TUI" or "Tui" prepended to "University" as a brand name, this could work well. I have personal experience with renaming a company to a Latin name and I think it could definitely work for a University. A Latin word works so much better than some mark that nobody is using, because it has intrinsic meaning that corresponds with the mission of the organization, which is especially true in this case.

    I see intelligent design in this change of ownership, so I'm 99% not concerned about the future.

  10. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member

    The way such matters often unfold in trademark law is sort of like matter and anti-matter in Star Trek science. Person a has shake hands with person a', who is their exact double in anti-matter for there to be a nexus resulting in a massive explosion.

    For example, US TUI would have to enter the tourism business in Europe and/or the German TUI would have to open a University in North America. I imagine that digital nexus on the Internet isn't enough.

  11. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    It's kind of charming to think of "Tui" as a word. Wikipedia says that "Tui are considered to be very intelligent...[and can] clearly imitate human speech, and are known for their noisy, unusual call, different for each individual, that combine bellbird-like notes with clicks, cackles, timber-like creaks and groans, and wheezing sounds—the unusual possession of 2 voiceboxes enable Tui to perform such a myriad of vocalisations."

    They are referring not to alumni but to a New Zealand bird.

    Between the bird, the European travel giant, the fact that Union (which has called itself "TUI") has the "" website, and that "TUI" is also the acronym for a major diploma mill, suggests that it may not be the best new name in the world.
  12. japhy4529

    japhy4529 House Bassist

    So I guess this means that "TUI" is about to lose Title IV, eh (since they will no longer have Touro College as the Bricks & Mortar parent school)? That development will certainly do nothing to keep existing (or attract additional) students.

    - Tom
  13. airtorn

    airtorn Moderator

    What percentage of the student population actually uses federal financial aid? Given the handful of articles I have seen, it appears that the majority of the student population uses military tuition assistance.
  14. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member

    Hi. This article states that 80% of TUI students are in the military:

  15. Constitution

    Constitution New Member

    Under the reauthorized Higher Education Act, the 50% rule (requiring institutions to have 50% of their students in Brick & Mortar) has been eliminated.
  16. carlosb

    carlosb New Member

    Nova Southeastern U is NCAA II and has a brand-new basketball arena on-campus to go along with their baseball and other teams. Bring it on Capella! ;)
  17. TEKMAN

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    Will TUI University change their name? I really like the school teaching method, and the degree Ph.D in Business Administration; however....I just don't like the name.

    TUI University = California Summit University is acceptable.
  18. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    This looks like a ressurrection of an old thread. TUI was sold a few years ago and they have managed to survive under the new owners.
  19. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member

    I was half asleep the other morning... Saw this thread and thought, "OMG!" It is always fun to see old threads pop up.
  20. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    So if the nova exploded in a home would that be a Villanova?

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