foreign DL in English

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by CoachTurner, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. CoachTurner

    CoachTurner Member

    I was just sitting here thinking it would be interesting to have a degree in anything at any level from a foreign (to the USA) university.

    With this in mind, any ideas on what is the easiest to navigate, least costly, program that might be at least a little interesting and that could be done 100% DL from the US?

    just looking for ideas...
  2. eric.brown

    eric.brown New Member

    UNISA seems like a good choice. Its cheap and well known outside the US. I'm sure you've seen it mentioned before but Dr. Michael Esselen provides a good interface for US & Canadian students to UNISA. His website is
  3. planejane

    planejane New Member

    I have a question. With UNISA, do you work on the dissertation only? Or do you have to take courses and submit the dissertation? I will keep checking on this end. Thanks!
  4. eric.brown

    eric.brown New Member

    Not 100% sure, but I think UNISA has research only programs (research & Dissertation) and also taught course programs. I think it is a different program for each degree,
  5. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    Hi Eric - While UNISA would certainly satisfy most of the criteria you've presented, it does have a reputation of being difficult to navigate. The best current evidence for this is that most of their website has been down for the past month (plus). This makes it very difficult to even learn about the various degree programs that are available. While I would not abandon this school as a prospect, I must acknowledge that they are making it difficult for interested students. Beyond this I can say that one of my favorite distance learning schools is the University of London. They offer a nice variety of Bachelors and Masters level programs and the cost is rather reasonable. The programs are quite self-paced and the school has a rather good reputation world-wide. I might also suggest that you look at the University of Wales at Lampeter. They too have some very nice programs that are very reasonably priced.

    Hi Jane - UNISA offers degrees on several levels, Bachelors, Master and Doctoral. The Doctoral degree programs are exclusively research based, thesis only (in South Africa they say Doctoral thesis and Masters dissertation). There are some "taught" Masters degree programs and some "dissertation only" Masters programs. Many departments offer you the choice. The Bachelors degree programs are all taught. Students need to go to regional testing centers for exams. Depending on where you live this might be easy of rather difficult.
  6. eric.brown

    eric.brown New Member

    I've heard similar stories and I think there has always been an issue with being able to get info from UNISA, but everything that I've read points to IACI-Canada and Dr Esselen as being very helpful in this regard.
  7. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    I believe that IACI-Canada is an invaluable resource. I have had some dealing with Dr. Esselen myself. I am simply frustrated by the current problems with the UNISA website as prospective students are really not able to learn much due to all the dead ends and error messages.
  8. rabbuhl

    rabbuhl New Member

    You can search for DL programs using You will find MBA programs throughout the world using their search but these schools also offer other programs besides an MBA. For instance, U21Global is located in Singapore and offers both business management and information technology programs. Good luck.
  9. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    100% distance not so many, even the Charles Sturt DBA requires some residencies. Herriot Watts DBA might be 100%
  10. humbug101

    humbug101 New Member

    As one whom has recently completed the CSU DBA, I was not required to perform a residency. However, there are several seminars recommended and I did attend one of those, and found it very useful for the material but also meeting my advisor and faculty, whom I was impressed with.

    The program may now require it but did not in the passed and I have not examined the re-engineered program. As for another thread, I paid as I went along and not all up front. I was able to take two semesters leave of absence during the program with no cost or penalty.

  11. edowave

    edowave Active Member

    From your signature line you seem to have a lot of writing experience. If writing is your thing, then I would look at the University of Leicester DL programs.

    From what I hear, many of their programs do not have exams, but they do require a ton of papers to write. It seems like they have a new PhD program also.

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