University of Phoenix's Recruitment Video

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by TEKMAN, Jan 29, 2007.


    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

  2. Vincey37

    Vincey37 New Member

    I tried to post a response for surlybob, who I suspect is working for a UoP competitor - how can someone know the specifics of business school accreditation and then post this?

    "PS: Don't bother trying to transfer UoP credits to a real university or get a visa to work overseas, because your UoP "degree" will get you about as far as a "degree" from "Concordia Bible College" printed on a dot matrix printer."

    But, my post is not showing up. Does anyone know how comments on YouTube work? Does it take a while to update?
  3. edowave

    edowave Active Member


    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    You must register as member, and you can rate the video and jot down the comments.
  5. firstmode4c

    firstmode4c Member

    Comments & Responses Post a video response
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    medicek (3 months ago)
    the beggar shot was preatty cool
    can i ask something? why is the phoenix online university writen down in different ways?

    stalkingalizee (1 week ago)
    They mispelled it to show how stupid UoP grads are... you must be alumni ROFLAMO!

    transcending1 (1 week ago)
    This is a waste of time, ill-informed, ad hominem attack with no basis in reality. Though I am not in any way affiliated with the organization slandered, it is clear that the makers of this clip lack the basic understanding and integrity necessary in assessing the value of well accredited distance learning programs.

    surlybob (6 days ago)
    Too bad UoP's business program *IS NOT* accredited. Also too bad that they don't mention this to prospective students in their annoying commercials.

    PS: Don't bother trying to transfer UoP credits to a real university or get a visa to work overseas, because your UoP "degree" will get you about as far as a "degree" from "Concordia Bible College" printed on a dot matrix printer.

    UoP is a scam, and holding a degree from there says to a potential employer that "I am a lazy sucker."

    randymiller007 (12 hours ago)
    The University of Phoenix is regionally accredited. Harvard, Yale, and Stanford are also regionally accredited.

    mchlmyerson (45 minutes ago)
    Funny as heck! Randymiller007, is UoP AACSB-accredited like Harvard, Yale, and Stanford are? The shrills at the distance ed forums with their "state-approved" unaccredited and non-AACSB "PhD and DBA" degrees must have their nickers in a knot over this. They try so hard to appear important. BRAVO!
  6. siddielou

    siddielou New Member

    OMG - I laughed so hard my coworkers became concerned!
  7. lesann

    lesann New Member

    While the video has its humorous effects, I don't really think it applies wholeheartedly to UoP. Plus, it's pretty offensive to UoP graduates, many of whom I've worked with as teaching colleagues. I mean, idiots graduate from lots of universities, including state schools and Ivy Leagues. UoP just seems to be an easy target because an understanding of regional accreditation isn't as publicly widespread as one would hope. Does UoP have its problems? Of course -- but so do other, more-accepted higher learning institutions.

  8. AdAstra

    AdAstra Member

    I am in agreement with lesann. It is rather unfair to trash UoP to this extent, especially since it is not a degree mill as is implied in the video (press print and out comes your degree of choice), and it is regionally accredited and as such on a par with any other regionally accredited institutions on this point.

    Having a poke and a laugh at a university is OK as long as lies are not promulgated along with it, which are unfair to the university and its graduates.

    For some reason I did not find the video humourous at all. The 'humour' was rather infantile.
  9. basrsu

    basrsu Member

    Not only is the video just plain stupid, but it shows an incredible ignorance of how accredited, online universities function.

    As we all know, there is a tremendous difference between regionally accredited universities (online or otherwise) and diploma mills. UoP, regardless of your personal viewpoints regarding its recruiting and business practices, is a regionally accredited university that must uphold rigorous scrutiny by its accreditation body (North Central) over a period of time.

    Call the video a spoof or whatever you wish, but the bottom line is that it's a slap in the face to everyone who is working tirelessly to better themselves through any regionally-accredited degree program that happens to be online.

  10. recruiting

    recruiting Member

    I believe they the original poster can delete added comments. :mad:
  11. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I used to listen to Howard Stern in the mid 80's and someone wrote a nasty article about him but admitted that they never actually listen to the show. He took the works from the song "Paperback Writer" and changed it to "Uninformed Writer." That is what I thought of when I had seen this.

    I feel it is an insult to UoP students and, in my opinion, all DL students.
  12. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Longtime forum member Russ Blahetka, who earned his BSBA at UoP and then went on to an AACSB MBA and a DBA from Argosy, would probably disagree with that statement.

    I respect legitimate criticism, but that video is just juvenile trash.

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