Masters in Non-Profit Managent

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by vivalafantasia, Jan 26, 2006.

  1. Zoyd Wheeler

    Zoyd Wheeler New Member

    Thank you Ted. It's not a problem. My own situation is not especially exotic. I have a good Bachelors degree and I am thinking about graduate school. I work in the non-profit world and so some kind of management degree would be quite meaningful if I choose to remain in this career trajectory. I also have thoughts of moving into the world of teaching (elementary or high school). I am aware of the schools available for each fork in the road. There are approximately the same number of MEd programs as there are MBA programs so finding one that is suitable is fairly easy. I simply have to make a decision. I am not in any rush as my life is fairly comfortable and uncomplicated. In an effort to keep this thread on track I would say that it is my considered opinion that a Masters in non-profit management is not substantially better than an MBA within the non-profit world. I would not pay anything for whatever might be seen as the difference.
  2. vivalafantasia

    vivalafantasia New Member

    Opinion about Regis?

    I am thinking about applying to Regis University NPM Masters. Please give me your honest opinion. I need to know more about this school's reputation. Thanks!
  3. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Re: Opinion about Regis?

    Regis University is a very well-regarded Catholic school in Denver, Colorado.
  4. vivalafantasia

    vivalafantasia New Member

    Regis' Non-Profit Managment Masters

    Any idea of how good this particular program is? Also, what is the cost?
  5. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Re: Regis' Non-Profit Managment Masters

    Cost: $350/hr. x 36 hrs. = $12,600

    How good is it? College prestige rankings can be found at (then go to education).
  6. vivalafantasia

    vivalafantasia New Member

    The US News site ranks it as 25th. Decent. What do you think the going rate on this type of degree is? Im trying to figure out if this is the average price or I can research and find a comparably prestigious institution for less or a more prestigious one for the same? BTW I appreciate all of this, honestly.
  7. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Oh, by the way (education) also has something called the prospero boards, a series of specialized education discussion boards, with individual boards focusing on colleges, graduate schools, distance learning, and financial aid (there might also be one or two others). They definitely tend to emphasize prestige programs over there. So, that might be an additional resource to look into. I believe the website giving the usnews prestige rankings also has clickable weblinks, so you can go find tuition info on, say, nos. 20-24 and 26-30 and see if they're much greater than or less than Regis' $12,600. But the price seems reasonable. It's difficult to find much in the way of accredited DL MBA degrees for under $10,000 (and that's any DL MBA, not prestige MBAs via DL), while I see that the prestigious Fuqua MBA of Duke University is available via DL for the low, low price of something like $90,000-$100,000 price range, if one has the grades to get in and if one also has a house to take out a second mortgage on for tuition.
  8. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Vivalafantasia! You do not need to be sorry for the post. Our Senior Members are very knowledgeable people and they love to help New Members find programs of interest. Most of the Senior Members came here looking for where we could get our degrees via DL once trapsing across the country for whatever B&M program became no longer so viable an option. And, consequently, we have, for the most part, stayed to see that those coming up behind us can get theirs, too. Welcome, New Member! You are a child of the universe and you have every right to be here.
  9. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    I'm sorry, too. You've been a good addition both here and at degreediscussions, too. I just get a bit grouchy and thin-skinned when I start forgetting my diabetic & anti-depressant meds about half the time. I'm doing a bit better about remembering my meds now. Peace!
  10. Zoyd Wheeler

    Zoyd Wheeler New Member

    From time to time I feel a bit indisposed myself. What puts me in the worst mood is when someone asks me (us) to do their homework for them. My message to vivalafantasia is that it took me a full 90 seconds to find the cost of your program on the Regis website. This indicates to me that you did not even make a weak attempt to find this information yourself, you simply want someone else to do your homework. As far as I'm concerned, if you can't find that piece of information on your own then you have no business even applying to the program.
    How is that for grouchy Ted?
  11. vivalafantasia

    vivalafantasia New Member

    Don't mean to offend

    I'm in Japan right now and it's hard to get an opinion from anyone, much less get good advice and guidance. I appreciate this post and everyone that has tried to help me. I have been doing tons of research and I actually wanted confirmation of the Regis' tuition because I wasnt sure...Ted, thanks for your patience with me. I am new to this and doing it abroad makes it a harder.
  12. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Re: Don't mean to offend

    Indeed, doing things from abroad can make things a bit harder. One thing I learned over at the prospero education boards was how many people living abroad have difficulty getting ahold of Peterson's Guides and Bears' Guides and other things people here in the States take for granted.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2006

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