New contributors

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by 3$bill, Jan 21, 2006.

  1. Matt R

    Matt R New Member


    What, no secret hand shake? Is there such a thing as a cyber-secret handshake?

    But that's okay, I look really GQ in a fez. And with the decoder ring, I can finally find out what Little Orphan Annie has been trying to tell me . . . b-e-s-u-r-e (be sure to what!) d-r-i-n-k-y-o-u-r-o-v-a-l-t-i-n-e . . . Ovaltine! A crummy commercial!

    Time to go beat up Scut Farkus - he had yellow eyes, so help me, yellow eyes!
  2. gkillion

    gkillion New Member

    What about the free membership to the porn web-site?

    Ooohhh...that's a bad joke!;)
  3. PhD2B

    PhD2B Dazed and Confused

    Re: Whoopie!

    Oh, I see you already got your decoder ring. :D
  4. Matt R

    Matt R New Member

    But ... didn't the kid from the movie grow up and do a porn movie in an attempt to prove he wasn't really "Ralphie" anymore? An E True Hollywood Story I, everything is related! How did we get onto this again:confused:
  5. philosophicalme

    philosophicalme New Member

  6. philosophicalme

    philosophicalme New Member

    Whoa, everything suddenly makes more sense.... :D

  7. IbnYusuf

    IbnYusuf member

    Why all this talk about porn?

    Hi. I'm a "new contributor", and new to this board too. Why all the talk about porn sites and such? Is there something sordid about this place that I'm not aware of?

    I thought John Bear posted here? Is that no longer the case?

    Ibn Yusuf
  8. TCord1964

    TCord1964 New Member

    Re: Why all this talk about porn?

    See the thread entitled "The Current Controversy".

    "That's all I've got to say about that." Forrest Gump
  9. gkillion

    gkillion New Member

    Re: Why all this talk about porn?

    Yes, but now he goes by "Long" John Bear.

  10. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    A recap of the late unpleasantness

    Hi IbnYusuf, salaam and welcome! Recently it was discovered that one of the owners of this forum also, in a completely separate and unconnected manner, has a financial interest in a commercial pornographic web site. Some regular contributors decided to stop participating, including Dr. Bear, but many others have not.

    Many of the regular contributors who left have joined a new forum,, which is similar in format to this one. I have been participating in both, as it's turned out that both are worthwhile. I expect both to survive, and certainly hope that's the case.

  11. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    What happened to my decoder ring, fez, toaster, and instructions for the initiation ceremony?
  12. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    It takes as long as it takes to get to post number 30 to advance from New Member to Member. I see you've accomplished that now. Now, if you're interested, it'll take you as long as it takes to get to post number 100 to become Senior Member.
  13. PatsFan

    PatsFan New Member

    Gregg has some health issues. You might want to check out this thread on for more info.:
  14. TCord1964

    TCord1964 New Member

    Wow, I was very shocked and sorry to read that. I hope Gregg gets well soon. His insightful posts and wit are missed.
  15. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    I must concur TCord! I knew about his injury, but I did not know his condition had become so dire. Gregg is tough though, and as his friend I am sure he will recover. My prayers, thoughts and meditations are with him.

    Gregg, get well and get back here. You are a true "Chun Tzu".

    Abner :)
  16. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

  17. BlueMason

    BlueMason Audaces fortuna juvat

    ..and sad as it is, the thread to Gregg's health was sidetracked about

    Hope the ol' chap recovers and get his fingers moving again :)
  18. spmoran

    spmoran Member

    I can agree with that, Dave. I know that I often felt that I might be jumped on (though I actually never really was) if I said the wrong thing. I kind of miss the action here, but I am not missing the conflict.
  19. spmoran

    spmoran Member

  20. Jacques

    Jacques New Member

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