Naval War College Graduates First Command Master Chiefs

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Charles, Nov 23, 2005.

  1. Storekeeper

    Storekeeper New Member

    I think the fellow Jim is correct about MCPOs attending the Naval War College ... but only if he agrees the school is a waste for 0-5/0-6 to be wasting time getting a graduate degree at tax payer expense when they could be doing it online and working during the day (or night) ... Officers are no better than enlisted in that sense. I retired after 28 years as a MCPO/E-9 in 2007 and I earned my degrees during my off-duty hours.

    And by the way ... many of these 0-5/0-6 are attending the NWC to get a ... SECOND graduate degree.

    Another "Oh by the way" ... one of the 0-5s currently attending the NWC was my classmate when I earned my MHR with OU ... he was an 0-4 then. And my final GPA was a full half point higher than his.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2011
  2. mcjon77

    mcjon77 Member

    You know this thread is almost six years old, right?
  3. major56

    major56 Active Member

    Master Chief, you resurrect a nearly 6-year thread to inform that your University of Oklahoma 2006 GPA was higher than a fellow student (e.g., a Lieutenant Commander /O-4) and who is now a Naval War College student. In my view your discretion is debatable. Consider that there was some merit to your initial concerns; even so, the final comparative GPA argument you present seemingly expose you as 1) a braggart and 2) one who just doesn’t care much for officers…
  4. 03310151

    03310151 Active Member

    At least you get more money for having a high GPA, most civilian employers pay 10% with a GPA above 3.5.

    Plus, as an enlisted guy, I make more money since I have college degrees too. Wait....what?

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