What is your motivation for pursuing distance learning?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Gregory Gulick DO, Sep 8, 2005.


What is your motivation for pursing your CURRENT distance learning degree?

  1. I am trying to get ahead in my current occupation.

    22 vote(s)
  2. Normally I wouldn't seek this degree, but my employer is funding my education.

    1 vote(s)
  3. I am an educational addict. I just love to learn and my current degree won't add anything to my occ

    16 vote(s)
  4. I am seeking to prove something to myself, friends and/or family.

    9 vote(s)
  5. I am earning my absolute first degree and distance learning was my only option.

    10 vote(s)
  6. I just want to be called "doctor" and I plan to enjoy the prestige and respect of being called such.

    4 vote(s)
  7. I am just fufilling a dream I have always had. This degree won't really affect me professionally.

    10 vote(s)
  8. I am not currently pursing a distance learning program.

    4 vote(s)
  1. Gregory Gulick DO

    Gregory Gulick DO New Member

    Speaking of typos and writing...

    I am getting married next week to someone with a degree in English with an emphasis on creative writing. She has received awards for her poetry. A few months ago she came up with the great idea that we should write our own vows... hers were done two days later. I haven't even started.

    I am totally, totally screwed. I am a scientist with only a rudimentary command of the English language. Do you think it would suffice if I prove my love and commitment mathematically? :eek:

  2. qvatlanta

    qvatlanta New Member

    Don't sweat it. A few months I attended a wedding between a Presbyterian Reverend Dr. (black) and a communist atheist computer scientist (white, also very French). The ceremony was very complicated, but good.
  3. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Congrats To you Doctor!

    I wish you and your bride the best!

    Abner :)
  4. Rivers

    Rivers New Member

    Well, I decided to go back and complete a bachelor's degree(I dropped out of Senior year,the first time around,still may get my BA in Psych someday.) It was all about opening doors. With my job it was too difficult to go back in the B&M method. I am pursing my MBA online now because I love the Online format! I never really was to thrilled with the B&M model but Online suits me well.
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    No poll answer fits me. I earned the M.S. from CCHS because I wanted a graduate degree from an accredited school.

    I am working on the M.A.T.S. from FLET because I want an accredited degree from a theological institution plus I have relative who wants me to have an accredited theological degree so she is paying for it.
  6. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    Too complicated.

    The equation that works is a simple one: X = "Yes, dear."

    And, yes, congratulations.
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Time to fess up, guys. Which two of you earned a doctorate just to be called "Dr.?" Once it is known I shall address the two of you as such from this day forward................:D
  8. japhy4529

    japhy4529 House Bassist

    Re: I could've written your post Tom

    Wow, 7 children. The next time I stress out about having 2.5 kids (2 presently and one on the way next month), I'll think of you!

    When I hear of situations such as yours, it gives me the inspiration to continue pursuing my educational goals. If you can do it with 7 children, I can certainly manage with 3.

    Good luck! BTW, where are/will you (be) going to school?

    - Tom
  9. spmoran

    spmoran Member

    I picked the first option because it was closest, but the actual reason I am doing DL (for five more weeks!) is that it let me navigate my choices with more control and finish in a minimal amount of time.
  10. airtorn

    airtorn Moderator

    The reason for completing my B.S. by DL was due to working for Uncle Sam. Transfers, deployments, and swing shifts made a residential program impossible.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2005
  11. Lauradglas

    Lauradglas New Member

    Re: Re: I could've written your post Tom

    I matriculated from San Bernardino Valley College in San Bernardino, CA where I received my AA in Liberal Studies via DE. (And a bit of "creative DE" as well... I convinced the head of the English Dept to enroll me in the requisite English class, and he had the teacher simply mark me as present every day and let me do my assignments and communication all online.)
    I then went to a B&M school, California State University, San Bernardino, where I changed my major in succession from nursing, to psychology, to sociology, to social science. This while single and caring for 5 children. I then remarried, had two more children (one 3/22/04 and one 4/4/05) and decided I really really wanted that degree. So I spent this summer testing out of almost 40 units and as soon as I save up the tuition I'll be finishing the whole business at TESC with a BA in Social Science. I'll substitute teach for awhile unless the county calls me (I'm on the eligible list for social worker 2 and hope for a job!), and fart around till I decide what I want to be when I grow up. Teacher... social worker... therapist.... oy. The real problem is I'm a jack of all trades (master of none?) and I enjoy them all. Also, I love to learn.
  12. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    Re: I could've written your post Tom

    I have a cat and he is a hand full!
    I travel a lot (3-5 days a week in a hotel somewhere). A traditional school has never been possible. If it was not for CLEP's and DL classes, I would have peaked with an AA degree.
  13. BinkWile

    BinkWile New Member

    I couldn't find a local PhD program that I could attend without quitting my job and going during the day, so NCU (among others) offered a way to complete an RA PhD program without disrupting my life.
  14. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    education addict, of course
  15. TCord1964

    TCord1964 New Member

    None of the poll answers apply to me. My answer would be "for a career change." I'm hoping that somewhere down the road, I will eventually earn an MBA and get a high-paying business job. However, the more I study the chapter on entrepreneurship, the more I think I might like running my own business and working for myself.
  16. BinkWile

    BinkWile New Member


    I was just overlooking your signature... Do my eyes decieve me, or do you have 2 MBA's? If so why??
  17. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Yes, I have two MBAs. The reason is because, well, my Dad told me it was time to graduate when I was only 1/2 done with that 3rd MBA, which was to have been in Financial Management, also from City U.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2005
  18. RxScram

    RxScram New Member

    I was in the Navy when I started my BS, and because of going out to sea and being on a submarine, distance education was my only option.

    Now that I am finishing up my BS (only one semester left), I managed to use my progress thus far to land a job at USC, and plan on taking advantage of the free tuition to pursue my masters and perhaps my PhD.
  19. jayncali73

    jayncali73 New Member

    Without distance education, I would not be able to get a college education beyond the Associates degree level. In my area, the only access to higher education is a 90 minute drive one-way. Online education was a little difficult to get used to at first but, I love it now. I really think it would be difficult to go back to sitting in class week after week.

    Beyond the higher ed access issues, I want to earn degrees to move on to a second career.
  20. scubasteveiu

    scubasteveiu New Member

    It seems as if you listen to your father more than I listen to mine!

    Three concentrations (going to assume you did not have to retake all the same core courses 2 or 3 times) is a bit much (IMO), but I also know people that did CIS/ OM & BPM at IU.

    How many more classes do you have for your third? Do you ever think you will finish that one as well?

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