Buy a degree - USDOE recognized??

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by larryjf, Aug 29, 2005.

  1. eyal

    eyal New Member

    almeda university the major scam

    To whom that wants to know, almeda had my SSN, because it was apart of the application form.
    I bought the degree so I may have a framed diploma on the wall, I am self employed
    I think I'll cancel the payment I thought about it and came to the conclusion that they will not dare publishing my SSN all over the net, like they claim.
  2. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Re: almeda university the major scam

    Okay, so you provided a diploma mill (surely you knew that a school selling you a degree was a diploma mill) your credit card and Social Security numbers. Hmmm, can you say "identity theft"? You'll be lucky to get off with getting ripped off just the diplomas.

    See you in a couple of weeks, everyone!
  3. mmmgn

    mmmgn New Member

    Pacific University

    I recently looked at and was told my information was acceptable for a degree at Pacific University or Los Angeles University. When I saw they had mispelled the word "University" on their website, I was suspect at best. There is a legit Pacific University in Oregon, primarily liberal arts, I was looking for an IT certification based on my experience.

    I sent a cancellation email reporting the reason for my cancellation "that it was a scam."

    I received the below from a Professor Paul Kagan in response to my scam quote:

    We have received your request for cancellation from CCnow, and will like to thank you for choosing workdegree at first.

    This email is sent in the matter of your referral to our business as a scam.

    I shall assure you that Pacific University is registered at the State of California as a Distant Learning Institute with the accreditation number granted by the state which is - I-2036859.

    I am extremely sorry for the inconvenience.

    Best Regards

    First of all, they should be able to spell "University", and it's distance learning not distant learning. Much less "will like to thank you?" Professor of what??? Mispelling? Sentence Structure?
  4. larryjf

    larryjf New Member

    Very interesting.

    I contacted the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education with the information on the schools "accreditation". Here is the response...


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