That is all well and good, but since I work an off schedule I have no choice but online education. Which at this point leaves me with few actual...
Still haven't decided. Sad I know, but I would like a tech degree, however, cost to obtain a degree seems daunting to me and as some in this...
CIS degrees are few and far between that I have actually found. Especially decent ones. Infact Troy with a minor in Business would make an...
I guess you could argue then that troy would be a better fit since it is an applied computer science degree and a company knows it is not getting...
That depends on what you are looking for. A traditional program may not be the best bet. How many people actually need to study compiler...
Tui is a little deceptive. For example Advanced mathmatics is actually calculus. Introduction to OOP is data structures and algothrims. ETC...
I like it better than touro university international. At least TUI University sounds more REAL.
touro university international. I was wondering if now that they are not affiliated with a brick an mortar if they are not so great. I have read...
Was wondering being that it is now TUI if it is a decent school to attend or no?
Because the meat of the course is the same as any other institution and you come away with the same knowledge. They simply add the religious...
Thanks guys.. my main question was about cost. I think it is just to much money so I am going to stick with the three degrees I have found that...
I want out of transit. I do not want to advance in it and I do not want to be a part of it longer than I have to.
Isnt that essentially what troy is as an applied degree.. more of a programming software engineering degree?
*sigh* Okay I dont want to get into IT per se. Not the IT you are talking about where you are required to get a bunch of certs. I am looking to...
Separate names with a comma.