Thanks, Bruce!
Well, I finished my thesis, submitted it, and have just heard that it was accepted without requiring editing. I have received an 'A' in the Thesis...
Thanks, Bruce and "NMTTD".
Thanks, everyone. I should have the degree by end of December this year.
Just wanted to post an update on my master's degree odyssey. I am now only three courses away (counting my present one) from obtaining my MFA in...
In one of my threads that was lost in the database corruption, one member told me about two possible online teaching opportunities. One was with...
Yes, I get it. I think, though, that I will continue with the MFA. With it, I have a slim chance, but without it I have no chance. I also have...
Thanks, and yes, I understand. I suppose the same would be true for part-time adjuncts?
Would LU's MFA in writing course prefixes, which are 'IMF', be a hindrance in getting teaching jobs in online college English courses?
TonyM brought up a good point about Lindenwood's MFA in writing. The course prefixes are 'IMF'. Would this be a hindrance to teaching English courses?
Yes, that is a concern and something I have considered. But I've taken eight courses already, and I'd hate to "waste" those. And yet I still am...
Thanks very much!
Separate names with a comma.