Hello all, I have been out of the preverbial loop for a while, but I am looking into a Graduate-level program for Certified Financial Planning....
Hello all... I have not posted in a while, but I need help and I know that this forum is a fountain of information. I have an MBA, but I am now...
Okay - I may be insane and my wife will probably confirm that I am... but, I am looking into DBA options. I would like to hear suggestions for...
CalCoast and Aspen are not regionally accredited... I believe they were going after regionally accredited for-profits that generate almost all of...
Here is the link to the story... check the mention of degreeinfo.com Jacksonville News - A face of Distance Education
Jsu!!! Jacksonville State University's online MBA is AACSB and the cost is around $10,000 for the whole program. The general MBA is also only 30...
My bad......
Take a look at Jacksonville State University. Their accounting MBA is only 33 credits and at around $325/credit hour, I have found it to be the...
Apparently the file was too big to attach... here is the text... Town and Gown By: Dr. Bill Meehan Going the Distance You haven’t seen...
I just graduate in April with my MBA from JSU and someone from the distance education department decided to do a story on my experience. There is...
Separate names with a comma.