Why does news media use 13 year old picture of Trayvon Martin?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by jam937, Mar 30, 2012.

  1. jam937

    jam937 New Member

    First, a blog on Wordpress.com is not a credible source. I didn't see evidence in that blog post that the 13 year old white boy fabricated parts of the story. I will say there are some things about this case that don't add up and have me questioning some things.

    The police report states the black teen said "This is what you get" and it does not mention "white boy"
    (I am trying to find this police report on an official website or a more credible one just to make sure this one is legit)

    Here's an interview with the mother from KMBC who says the black teen said "This is what you deserve, you get what you deserve white boy"
    Police: White Boy Attacked And Burned By Black Youth - YouTube

    Here's another video from KSHB ... they report the police say no evidence of hate crime and no suspects yet. The reporter makes a good comment. The gas can was still laying in the front yard. Why didn't the police take it for fingerprinting?
    KSHB Interview - weird youtube video title
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2012
  2. friendorfoe

    friendorfoe Active Member

    Oh wasn't that the general media line? "Post-racial America" was the exact term I believe that was being bandied about by some of the same media outlets that are the biggest perps in the race baiting going on today.
  3. friendorfoe

    friendorfoe Active Member

    Ditto, however we don't even need to focus on this one case...how about racially motivated flash mobs beating the snot out of fairground customers as they left? Witnesses describe mobs, some people claim racially-charged attacks - TODAY'S TMJ4

    Of course this predated the Treyvon thing but did you see this get the same level of media attention?

    Or how about this racially motivated beating? W. Seattle teen beaten bloody in possible hate crime | Local & Regional | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News

    One might even say race played a part in this tragedy Murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    ...but let's think...does race being a factor change the outcome of the crime for the victims? No...all it does is selectively sensationalize the story and a lot of people make money off of it. Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom were hurt just as bad and are now just as dead if the crime had not been a racially motivated crime. The cuts, burns and bruises from the beatings are just as severe. Treyvon is just as dead. Attempting to determine if a crime was based on "hate" (as if the alternative is "love") is simply wasted effort that only serves to inflame the emotions of many, enrich a few and otherwise divide our nation.
  4. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

  5. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

  6. DLer

    DLer New Member

    Trayvon Martin's father "This isn't a race issue" (Fox News around 3:15)
    Trayvon Martin's Father Says They Are Looking For A Peaceful Resolution In The Case Of His Son's Death | Fox News

    Trayvon Martin's father "This isn't a race issue" (Fox News around 3:15)
    Trayvon Martin's Father Says They Are Looking For A Peaceful Resolution In The Case Of His Son's Death | Fox News
  7. friendorfoe

    friendorfoe Active Member

    No offense but who cares what Trayvon's father says now...after the fact. They've already managed to get the Black Panthers, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, some Congress critter and even the President to say or otherwise imply that it IS INDEED a RACE ISSUE. Otherwise why do they have 24/7 media coverage? Why is Spike Lee involving himself? Why the insistance by some media outlets that Zimmerman is white (when in fact he is Hispanic) and the "doctoring" of 911 tapes to imply a racial motivation for the shooting by MSNBC?

    Trayvon's dad is not going to be able to get those horses back into the barn. They chose to make this a race issue from the outset, it has become a national sensation and continues to be about race. Of all the potential "hate crimes" that have taken place in America, this is one of the weakest excuses for race baiting I can remember as the entire thing is almost completely fabricated (from a racial motivation standpoint). If we removed race from the equation what you would have is a "homicide" being investigated without everyone getting so heated and charged up. And who knows...maybe people would want to see the facts and hear the testimony and see the evidence before condeming this guy (like I did earlier).
  8. 03310151

    03310151 Active Member

    Funny how a lot of these hate crimes turn out to be hoaxes. Duke Lacrosse, the numerous cases in academia where supposedly racist material is placed by racist republican homophobic racist who also happens to go to a liberal arts school planted it there. Or a noose is found in the Diversity Nook at some hyper-liberal college and we come to find out that they were placed their by...dah-dah-dah-dum...liberals themselves.

    And I'm not saying that hate crimes don't happen, but if it is so rampant...why do we have so many made up cases?

    And too late for Trayvon's father...too late.
  9. friendorfoe

    friendorfoe Active Member

    Exactly. It seems that some people really, really, really just want 1 legit example to point to and say "aha" whether for self vindication or to add substance to their beliefs. They need a boogey man to fire up a righteous anger towards because let's face it, anger can be intoxicating and fighting the "good" fight can give your life meaning.

    The sad thing is I believe America is largely "post racial" as a people. I know a LOT of white people and I cannot name 2 who are racist today...and being from Louisiana and living in Texas that's saying a lot.

    I know a LOT (less than white however) Hispanics who are also not racist, even if "racially aware" if that makes sense.

    I have maybe a 20 or so buddies, co-workers, former cops I worked with, etc. who are black and also not racist although a few of them feel that they are at time racially discriminated against (even though I've seen no evidence of it). Does racism in America exist? Yes. Is it a nasty underbelly of society waiting to burst forth from large, unspoken racist sentiment? No. Is it even a good percentage of people out there, say over 10%? Not likely. Americans are just not by and large racist in my opinion, it's just not acceptable culturally, socially, professionally, etc. It's no longer part of our "culture".
  10. DLer

    DLer New Member

    I would expect that any sane, rational and emotionally stable person is going to wait for due process of law to take place before jumping to conclusions.
  11. friendorfoe

    friendorfoe Active Member

    Looks like Zimmerman's case will not be brought before a grand jury. That's not a good sign IMHO...the grand jury is a vehicle to determine the legal viability and applicability of the evidence to be used against the accused. Bypassing this may result in Zimmerman ending up in court as a defendant which while it may be a good thing may also be used for political grandstanding and whoring to the media.

    Trayvon Martin death won't go to Fla. grand jury - Boston.com
  12. jam937

    jam937 New Member

    This is what I don't understand. I know a grand jury in Florida is only required for first-degree murder and it's optional for all other cases at the discretion of the prosecutor. But the grand jury was already set to meet tomorrow. Why cancel? Why not let a grand jury decide if charges should be brought? Whatever the decision it would hold more weight and be less political than a single person deciding.

  13. jam937

    jam937 New Member

    I read some more news stories with more accurate info. This grand jury was originally formed by the previous prosecutor so I understand why the new prosecutor doesn't want to use them.
  14. mcjon77

    mcjon77 Member

    The moment I read this I thought "Yep, she is going to file charges". This prosecutor is known to prefer NOT to use a grand jury. Considering the political climate, there is no way in the world (short of a video showing Trayvon and 5 of his buddies beating the hell out of Zimmerman screaming "Kill, Kill, Kill") that she is not going to file charges. If she took it away from the grand jury THEN decided on her own not to prosecute people would lose it.

    This way she doesn't have to take the chance that the Grand Jury won't deliver an indictment. Also, she personally spoke with some protesters today and told them to be patient, that the process takes time.
  15. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    Hang them high as Heik's hackneyed Haman! :shock:
  16. friendorfoe

    friendorfoe Active Member

    My point exactly, regardless of the evidence Zimmerman will be charged with something. She's gaming the system and bypassing what I consider to be a part of due process. But then again in Texas all shooting go to a grand jury, not just murder 1.
  17. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    Yep +1 to you sir. Screw the system lets do what the media wants us to.
  18. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

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