Who will be Kerry's VEEP? Post suggestions here!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Orson, Mar 3, 2004.

  1. Jeff Hampton

    Jeff Hampton New Member

    Re: How 'bout the gov of Califo...nia

    He can. The most likely scenario is that Cheney will bow out due to "health concerns." The big buzz is that Giuliani would be the new running mate. Now that would be a ticket that would be very difficult to defeat.
  2. Hope you're right

    I think our current problem (Iraq) was made worse by our current VP. I just don't trust the guy. Bush by himself is barely tolerable, but Dick is just plain dangerous.
  3. DL-Luvr

    DL-Luvr New Member

    Re: Hope you're right

    Some recent polls show that Cheney and his Halliburton baggage are liabilities for Bush. Cheney is a big player with a lot of contacts - very very doubtful that he would ever get dumped. Dropping off the ticket because of health problems would be the best thing he could due.

    A VP candidate should be someone who brings votes to the team. Edwards is an appealing candidate for Kerry and I'm sure they are looking at the demographics of the Edwards voters. Edwards has been tested in a campaign. Two senators isn't always the way to go - governors are seen as having more hands on management experience.

    I also heard the name of Gov Bill Richardson - he's Hispanic and could help nationally with the Hispanic vote. Also heard the name of Governor Tom Wilsak of Iowa being discussed.

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