University of People Adjunct Jobs pay 600-675 per course

Discussion in 'Online & DL Teaching' started by smartdegree, Sep 8, 2021.

  1. Vicki

    Vicki Well-Known Member

    I really don’t understand why they think peer grading is the way to go. Perhaps to reduce the workload of the low paid professors. Heck, if the material is predetermined and they have peer grading, does it really matter who is the “professor?
  2. Dustin

    Dustin Well-Known Member

    I do think reducing workload is part of it. The other part is connecting you more deeply to the material by having you evaluate others responses whether good or bad.
  3. housecat

    housecat Member

    I've read some absolutely furious fire-laced reviews of UoP before, basically the accusations of UoP being an Israeli school trying to parade around as a US-based school and being run by a highly-dubious, previously convicted CEO. Also no tuition but administration fee is still not free as they like to promote as free-tuition, come on, that IS dirty. And accreditation is basically equivalent to not-accredited.

    Not sure if this is true, but the articles were quite detailed and I have no idea what to make of the situation, and I know that WES Canada is absolutely not having it.

    Any thoughts, comments, or pointers to good threads on the matter?
  4. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    There is one person, who might be dealing with mental health issues, going to various places online to spread their University of the People conspiracy theory. That person is also anti-Semitic. I think they were banned from They kept posting crazy, unsubstantiated accusations there. You can tell by their wording that it's the same person on Reddit and other places.

    That isn't the first time that's happened. One person had a vendetta against Straighterline and stalked and doxxed one of the members who challenged them. Most recently, there was a person who hated Western Governors University, for some reason, and would make false accusations on that same forum.

    University of the People is a newer school that is accredited by DEAC but is applying for regional accreditation. It's common for new distance learning colleges to get DEAC accreditation first since it's cheaper and faster. Being that DEAC is in the former national accreditation category, there can be some limitations when it comes to transfer credits, graduate school admissions, academic employment, and immigration, but DEAC is recognized by the Department of Education.
    housecat likes this.
  5. Dustin

    Dustin Well-Known Member

    National accreditation is fully accepted inside the US. WES Canada evaluates only regional accreditation as equivalent to Canadian degrees, but NA schools are perfectly serviceable inside the US.
    housecat likes this.
  6. housecat

    housecat Member

    Wooooooooooooooow I'm glad I asked! Yeah from what I read there was an abundance of venom in the remarks, so this makes more sense, also if what was said was true UoP wouldn't be anywhere near as popular. That makes sense now, thank you! :D
  7. housecat

    housecat Member

    :nod: that makes sense! :D

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