Top 10 DETC universities in 2010?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by BFF, May 9, 2010.

  1. BillDayson

    BillDayson New Member

    Hey Kizmet, check this out: Henley-Putnam's annual Spycruise!

    You could wear your diamonds, that cute little pearl-handled automatic pistol, and be all dangerous just like Angelina Jolie. You'll probably meet James Bond!

    Make sure to pack your black ninja suit and your submachine gun. A girl never knows when she might suddenly need'em.

    Being able to kill people with your bare hands helps too...

    Henley-Putnam has to be the sexiest of the DETC schools. It's kind of peculiar when you poke into its darker corners and start turning over rocks, but what you find squirming around is fascinating, that's for sure. There's no other college quite like this one.
  2. ebbwvale

    ebbwvale Member

    I think I may have to take the lowcost option, that is; stay home and watch a James Bond movie. Probably better for my waistline as well.
  3. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Kizmet: "DETC does some things that RA schools don't do."

    John: True. Harvard hasn't offered meat cutting classes since adjunct professor Squanto stopped teaching turkey carving in 1642.
  4. ebbwvale

    ebbwvale Member

    Absolutely true, but then turkey carvers did not perpetuate the GFC, unlike global executives schooled in elitist colleges or universities. Perhaps Harvard should reintroduce the turkey carving. There are a few turkeys around elitist campuses or so it seems.

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