Thoughts on ABCS/ACCS

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Thomas D. Schwartz, Nov 28, 2004.

  1. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Dom Hélder Câmara died in 1999.

    A Marxist friend of mine and I came up with the phrase "ketchup on ice cream" to describe liberation theology: Marxism wasted on Christianity, and Christianity ruined by Marxism. Funny how nobody ever took the "Deutsche Christen" seriously but liberationism was/is considered intellectual. What a (bloody) joke in either case. Christians snuggling up with Nazis or Communists need their b--ls reattached and their heads examined.
  2. Thomas D. Schwartz

    Thomas D. Schwartz New Member


    When are you going to start telling us what you really think, sir? :)

    How right you are that no "Christian" who supported the Nazis was taken seriously by anyone outside the National Socialist state, but those "Christians" who baptized Marxism in quasi-biblical terms were and still are considered "deep thinkers." Even from 1994-1997, during my sojourn at an ATS/RA-accredited seminary, we were required to read such garbage as if it were really insightful and powerful.
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Thanks Uncle Janko. I hadn't heard anything about him in years so I didn't know. I have seen his name spelled both ways but don't remember how my text spelled it.

    Uncle Janko, I have a question for your. I was reading a piece (ECLA) about Lloyd J. Ogilvie and saw him referred to as Pr. Ogilvie. I either never knew what this abbreviation stands for or knew and forgot. Do you know what it means? Pastor? If so, I don't think I have ever seen pastor abbreviated.

    Here is the piece.
  4. Bill Grover

    Bill Grover New Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 4, 2004
  5. Thomas D. Schwartz

    Thomas D. Schwartz New Member

    Update on ABCS/ACCS

    I spoke with Dr. Fred Hambrick, president of American Christian College and Seminary, during a recent visit to Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College in Moore, Oklahoma, for my initial on-campus meeting with the students in the online courses I teach. I am both delighted and proud that Hillsdale, at which I have taught since 1994, has opened its facilities to ACCS -- from which I graduated in 2001 -- in a gesture of Christian charity and goodwill. Hillsdale is accredited by TRACS, as ACCS was until losing accreditation last year.

    Dr. Hambrick told me that the present incarnation of ACCS will come to an end after the teach-out of students is completed in May. He expects ACCS to declare bankruptcy in February and the school will eventually be dissolved.

    However, the current ACCS board is committed to providing graduate-level theological educational opportunities in the Oklahoma City area. The plan is to organize a new school -- perhaps named Oklahoma Theological Seminary -- and offer strictly a seminary curriculum. The new school will not offer undergraduate degrees, as ABCS/ACCS did.

    Dr. Hambrick said that TRACS officials have left the door open to work with the board as it organizes the new school and seeks future accreditation. The remaining faculty and staff of ACCS are equally committed to this vision for a new school and are virtually working for free to achieve it.

    For those of us who believe that ABCS/ACCS had potential which went sadly unrealized, this is good news indeed. Let us pray that this new venture will be successful and that Oklahoma Theological Seminary may rise, Phoenix-like, from the ashes of ABCS/ACCS.
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Dr. Schwartz,

    Thank you for the interesting information. I was aware of the move to Hillsdale already and whole heartedly concur that it was a very Christian act. I understand that the head of Hillsdale has been very helpful, kind and efficient during this process. What a difference his class act conduct has made.

    I was unaware of the rest of it but do not find it surprising. I figured there was not way that they could continue to operate offering diplomas and it seemed like there must be a point of diminshing returns in terms of income coming in under the teach out and some if any from the diplomas balanced against the cost of staff and other overhead.

    It has been a long sad journey. People like Dr. Beville were good hearted but severely overworked (as I imagine the rest of the staff were).

    I am grateful for the teachout opportunity (Dept of Ed/TRACS/ACCS agreement) that allowed students 75% through to finish up their degree and receive an accredited degree. The sense I get is that they are indeed highly committed to helping the current students finish (those who could be included under the teach out).

    I am also glad that there are finishing with some CLASS.


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