The Sensei needs tough talk

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Abner, Mar 7, 2009.

  1. naios

    naios New Member

    There is no question here. You will finish.

    Now go enroll and stop the whinging. There are a lot of people out there with bigger physical and mental hurdles to overcome. When I was in the hospital getting my IV antibiotics I was seated next to a lady who was getting some excruciatingly painful treatments. It put things into perspective for me. Right now you have a wonderful opportunity in front of you.

    Just do it, don't think about it.
  2. BlueMason

    BlueMason Audaces fortuna juvat

    Save the drama for your mama ... suck it up buttercup... now sensei..

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2009
  3. BlueMason

    BlueMason Audaces fortuna juvat

    copyright infringement! :D
  4. MISin08

    MISin08 New Member

    Please take this in the intended spirit :) if you consider some of the people you've probably met who have finished an MBA, do you really want to wash out?
  5. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    Yeah...I couldn't even spell MBA now I have one :rolleyes: :p
  6. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Abner: Give me some good reasons to finish. I just need to hear it!

    John: On the day you notify me that you have finished, I will send you, by Priority Mail, a dozen of Marina's astonishingly wonderful large chocolate chip cookies, with the highest chip-to-cookie ratio permitted by the Constitution.
  7. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    I am going to hold you to that Dr. Bear! :) I love chocolate chip cookies. That is a good motivator.

    To everyone else. Thanks so much for all your comments. Some made me bust out laughing! Some did not but made me think. Each and every comment has definitely helped me. I thank all of you.

    I just ordered the books for my next class. My ritual is once a order a book/s, I must take the class because I am commited. You all have given me the motivation to continue on. Was I thinking of dropping out completely? No, this would be a bad example for my students. I was afraid I might procrastinate for several months though. I don't like to do that.

    Raristud. I see you have an interest in the homeless and their plight. Good for you. A few weeks ago my union associates and I went down to skid row and passed out hundreds of backpacks filled with first aid kits, canned foods, can openers, underwear, socks, shavers, combs, etc. I have dealt with these issues before, but sometimes when nobody is looking I can't help but shed a tear or two, especially when I see kids and their mothers out there. Anyway, at first I think we scared everbody because there were about two hundred of us dressed in our union regalia. We had bullhorns and shouted "We are from Union XXXXX, and we are here to pass out supplies for everybody. Form several lines. There will be no disorder, pushing or shoving tolerated!" Once we got the ground rules set, the human aspect of our mision came out. Some are mentally ill, I suppose a few might be lazy, but MANY are just people like you and I who were one check away from disaster. When you don't make a lot, it is easy to happen.

    Anyway, I thank all of you! Dr. Bear, I will not forget about your promise! :)

    Abner :)
  8. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    This 'reward' was only offered once before -- a prize, back when I was doing quarterly 'puzzler' contests. Jonathan Whatley in Canada still has a smile on his face.

    (Sadly, it seems to me that Google meant the end of on-line puzzlers. They are either impossible (and of little interest), or guessing games, or too easy. Maybe entries could be limited to those people with 360-degree videocam proctoring devices.)
  9. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    I am even more honored! I hold Jonathan in very high regard, as well you of course!

    Thank you Sir!

    Abner :)
  10. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    The reason why you want to finish this is because you so do not want to become known as an educated derelict who washes out of more grad programs than he finishes.
  11. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    I will be happy with just on Masters. I have always admired your educational accomplishments. Washing out of some programs is affordable when you have as many degrees as you. I want to be like you when I grow up Tedmeister!

    Abner :)
  12. Dave C.

    Dave C. New Member


    It seems I'm a little late with my post, but I've always enjoyed your cheerful posts, so thought I would drop a line.

    I too am getting really close to finishing my MBA after 3 hard years. I am actually between jobs and am taking a month off to get as much done as possible. I just wrote an 8000 word strategy project over the last two weeks and now plan to get my dissertation proposal done in the next two weeks and hopefully get it all wrapped up by July, so I can really enjoy August, normally the best month weather-wise here in the UK. (Shades of grey mind you!)

    Before I got this strategy project finished I just couldn't see the end, and although like you I never really thought about giving up, I wasn't really sure how to get through the last stretch. I'm really helped by the fact that I have many people in my cohort in the same position. Everytime you are up late studying remember how many others are doing the same. Remind yourself of why you took the course in the first place. I'm guessing those reasons are still valid?

    Do a quick Gantt chart plotting a timeline to completion and pin it up above your desk. That end line will get closer and closer.

    Visualise yourself at graduation. My boy will be 3 by the time I graduate and I can't wait to buy him a fancy suit suit and smile down at him and my wife as I get my diploma!

    I like Rosa's advice too. I already have a draft CV with the MBA on it. I'm the only one who has seen it, but I open it every now and again and dream a little...not long now!

    Keep at it bro,


    Dave C.
  13. friendorfoe

    friendorfoe Active Member

    I'm late on this but here it goes.


    ...if you quit...

 won't be as cool as me. Now that's motivation baby!
  14. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Thanks Dave and FriendorFoe. I will keep plugging away!

    Abner :)
  15. friendorfoe

    friendorfoe Active Member

    Always there to help a friend.:D

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