Teaching Junior College: History

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by friendorfoe, Apr 4, 2006.

  1. little fauss

    little fauss New Member

    That's a fair point, and I see no reason why you couldn't incorporate a lot of history into an academic career teaching CJ at the college level.

    As a practical matter for pursuing a career, I also get the impression that CJ is not as hyper competitive as history.

    Are you now knocking around the idea of pursuing a PhD in CJ? Or does that sound like a good way to ruin your taste for the subject matter in perpetuity?
  2. friendorfoe

    friendorfoe Active Member

    Not considering a PhD for now. In fact, I'd like to teach, not conduct research and from what I understand a PhD will be expected to conduct research...am I mistaken?

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