Stupid question of the week: What is a CLEP?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by MichaelOliver, Jan 10, 2010.

  1. MISin08

    MISin08 New Member

    My local urban U gives zero credit for Intro to Sociology but will waive the prerequisite for subsequent sociology courses if you take it. The amazing popularity of Sociology as a major but make that sufficient incentive.

  2. raristud

    raristud Member

    What! That is not a stupid question. Never nunca. :)

    This is a good thread to check out. It's called "Unixman's Clep Oddysey".
  3. BillDayson

    BillDayson New Member

    That's an interesting anomaly. I'd speculate that they want those whose syllabus specifically includes the introductory class (sociology majors and such) to get their initial foundation in the subject by taking the class. But there might be others, nursing or education students conceivably, whose syllabi require a more specialized supporting sociology class. So maybe they are giving these latter kinds of students the opportunity to finesse the prerequisite a little.

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