Should ODA midify the writeup for Universitas 21

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by Lerner, Sep 7, 2005.

  1. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Degrees from all of these suppliers are invalid for use in state.

    sorry Dr. A.C but U21 is not eligal supplier.

    This assesment is wrong.

    Universitas 21 is an international network of leading research-intensive universities.

    Can it be that the inqueries were about the U21 Global?

    Wile I agree with many other writeups, this one is wrong, I sent the link and letter to U21 about this unjustified inclusion in eligal listing.

    Well George Brown understands this as well, so I'm not alone.


    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2005
  2. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Universitas 21

    Any degree bestowed by them is bogus.

    Is that clear enough for you?
  3. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Bill this was clear from the first time I read it.

    What some of you fail to understand or don't want to understand is that this is not appropriate list for this entety.

    People visit the site and see the U21 listed there will most likely
    get wrong idea about this network.

    If I see their mailer i would look at it as it was SRU or JMU, is this a place for them, clearly no.

    So some get it and some don't.

    U21 is legal supplier.

    Anyway I have written to U21 if they want to correspond with ODA and resolve the writeup they can do that.

    Alan this is not a joke, I had people ask me if NACES granting degrees, we all know they are network of respected credential evaluation agencies.

    Now there is entety U21 global - that awards degrees and calls it self university, this one can be listed if they don't comply with ODA
    GAAP regulations.

    I'm one of the people who visits ODA site and also tell m y friends to visit this site for information.


  4. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Tell you what, Lerner. Why don't you (in your good English mode) write a nice, thoughtful, documented letter or e-mail to Alan Contreras setting forth your concerns? Then, you and Alan can--with each other's permission, if granted--share the results here.
  5. DesElms

    DesElms New Member

    I wanna' zero-in on this one part, Lerner... and I want you to really hear me on this: Jack Tracey, from everything I've been able to tell in both his public and private writings, is one of the singularly most decent and honorable fellows you'd ever want to meet, know, have heard of, or be even remotely associated with. Whether or not you agree with him, if he hasn't earned your respect, then it's your value system that's in question, here.

    I just wanted to get at least that said. I think you should take his criticism very seriously. He's dead-on about you. I keep hoping you'll come around and become a solid citizen around here. I've ever offered to help by beginning a private dialogue with you and trying to learn what the deal is with you and maybe even becoming your friend... but you won't take me up on it. Heck, you won't even just say "sorry... not interested." But you sure do enjoy the time outs from my criticism that I've been giving you while I thought you were giving good-faith consideration to it.

    Let me tell you something, Lerner: You irritate the crap outta' me... and I know I'm not alone in that feeling. But you're also tenacious, and sincere -- at least some of the time -- and there's a weird kind of respect from someone like me that that probably deserves, too. And I have more hope for you to finally stop being such a horse's ass around here than you could ever possibly realize.

    I believe that most of the things we accused you of around here are true about you. I believe you're neither who or what you say you are; and that much of what you post here is just to further irritate. But somewhere in all that, I see little flashes of... I dunno... goodness, I guess... for lack, at the moment, of a better word. I think you're probably someone who's been thrown outta' here in the past and either participates in, or should be participating over in the Crabby Forum, where I have a suspicion that you'd join right in with all the horrific commentary by those knuckleheads and feel right at home.

    But I also believe that there's something in you -- maybe only deep, deep down in you -- that wants to be a solid citizen, and wants to be a respected part of what's going on here, too. I think your tenacity, alone, probably speaks to that.

    Do you realize that, even though it's via a weird back-door sort of way, the amount of respect you do actually have around here, and the familiarity we all now have with you, is strong enough that if you would ever just up and admit who you really are and what you've been doing all this time; and admit that you were misguided and that you get it now, etc., etc., then pretty much everyone around here would welcome you with open arms, and you'd get all the respect you seek! Heck, the jig having been finally up, and all pretenses by then no longer needed, you could even start posting in your normal, good English!

    Oh, sure... you might take a little ribbing from us at first; but we love converts around here... at least the one who are serious and sincere, that is.

    I know I'm right, Lerner... and you do to. I mean, just look at how your posts have changed. More and more you're going on record around here saying the right things about what's bogus and what's not. But the deviant in you just can't stop being a despicable little troll now and then... just for sport.

    You're so close to a breakthrough... I can just feel it! Why don't you just come clean so we can all breath a sigh of relief, rejoice in your epiphany, accept your apologies, and welcome you with open arms as more of a collegue than the can-barely-control-himself-enough-to-keep-from-getting-thrown-outta'-here-troll that we all know you really are!

    Hmm? How 'bout it. We make better friends than enemies. I'll bet you would, too.
  6. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    The guy is calling me:

    Overall, Lerner is laughable. A joke. He's like a rodeo clown. Lots of action, flash, movement and color but in the end it's just a distraction. You've only to ask yourself what he's distracting you away from with his antics.

    If I was wrong when I wrote Lerner=Azad, I'm more likely to be right if I say Lerner=buffoon (look that one up, Lerner)

    Yea, very respectful in did.

    The only thing I respect is Jacks ability to express him self, I would like to have such a comand of English.

    I better be alon but righ than in a group that is biased in many ocations.

    In trying to prevent people from being eazy pray for diploma mills the calateral demmage is the legitimate eaducation providesrs.

    And at this time this is very oilitical.

    Remeber that at one time even JC was alone and misunderstood, some called him nut case and others other things.

    Me I'm a sinner and not in any way a saint but I see the truth and I see the lies as well.

    The politics is obvius, all this attacks and very little substance or remarks to the real issie. So I refuse to be a part of the team that is biased and in their own view right.

    I will gladly join a team that is unbiased, don't ingage in political games. I use hand held devise and its very hard to type so So One for All and All for One if the couse is just and no harm done to real legitimate institutions.

    And all the acusations about, Azad, Rector, MosheW, Mafia, many lerners are 100% lies, there is lerner onaed and its not me.

    MosheW is not me, I never had AOL and my AED name was a name of known arkangel.

    Azad is a real person whom I never known,.

    All this is politcly motivated lies.

    Lone woolf

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2005
  7. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    A wolf crossing your path is a good omen. But 'lone wolf' was a poor choice for you as the lone wolf must submit to the pack.
  8. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    Give me your aed screen name. Don't give hints, give me the name. You can send it by pm. If confidentiality is the problem then I will promise not to reveal it to anyone. I'll check it out on aed. Clearly your writing style will be easy to spot. If I'm wrong then I'll say so publicly on this forum. If I'm not convinced I'll say that too. I'd like to believe you Lerner but you're making it nearly impossible. Give me the screen name.
  9. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Learner, you are being obtuse and intellectually dishonest now. Please properly quote. DelElms showed you a number of examples. You keep saying that you will do it but you don't do it. When people don't do what they say they will do then it reflects very poorly on them.
  10. DesElms

    DesElms New Member

    And what about the things you've called me? And others. You take no responsibility for your own actions. You need to pull back a little and reflect, I think.

    Then you're missing it. There's so much more to Jack than that. You deprive yourself of much, Lerner. Much.

    But you're not right, Lerner... alot. You're like the guy on the FedEx commercial who thinks they get "French benefits." And, unlike him, you can't take it when your wrongness is pointed-out to you. You consider it an affront; an unprovoked attack... like everyone is biased and you're the only objective one. Your attitude insults people around here... and you can't see it.

    That's not true, Lerner. The people around here think outside the box just fine. The problem is that your standards are too low. You proffer things that aren't credible, and then you get offended when they get shot down. This ain't AED or the Crabby Forum... or even DegreeBoard. Maybe you'd get better results in one of those places.

    Do you mean political? If so, you're wrong again. Just because multiple people have finally had it with you does not mean politics are involved.

    Okay... now just hold on minute, here. I know JC. JC is a friend of mine. And you, sir, are no JC!

    :p (Ohgod... I just couldn't resist that one. Thanks, Lloyd... and Dan!)

    Hey, Lerner... I'm having trouble finding "nut case" in any of my bible translations. Can you cite that passage for me, please?

    Stop the presses!

    Ohgod... now you're doing the martyr thing again. :rolleyes: And you wouldn't recognize the truth if it sneaked-up behind you and bit you square on your pimply, white ass!

    So I was right, then... you did mean "politics," earlier. Nice to know I still got it.

    See, that's what I'm talkin' about: Any criticism -- including, and especially, that which is particularly meaningful -- you summarily reject, and label as an attack. And I see tons of substance in the attacks on you, by the way. That you don't is part of the problem.

    The real issue, in most threads in which you post, is you. You make yourself the issue by what you post, and how you post it. All the guidance in the world that we have tried to give you here has not helped you change your objectionable behavior one tiny bit. As Jack and others have observed from your writings elsewhere, that's a recurring pattern for you. For us, it's like talking to a brick wall... which, of course, makes us more impatient with you... which, of course, means the criticism comes at you faster, harder and with less and less provocation. Do you not see the cause and effect? People who can't detect patterns and then act accordingly have something wrong with them. I think they call them "sociopaths." But Jack could speak to that with more authority.

    So, in other words, you reject the olive branch that's been extended to you? Is this because you know that your contrived persona would not survive the kind of scrutiny to which private, good-faith, getting-to-know-one-another communication would subject it?

    We're biased against trolls and shills, Lerner. Don't be either of those, and no one will be "biased" against you. We're also biased toward legitimate institutions. Don't proffer good-for-nothing, less-than-wonderfuls and no one will be biased against you. And I repeat: Just because numerous people here all agree about what makes you a royal pain in the ass doesn't mean there's any politics involved. And, anyway... why are you suddenly feeling so lonely? What happened to your throngs of supporters who privately email you; and the many people whom you say I think are my friends but who, according to you, tell you that they hate me and offer you support via PMs and emails? To hear you tell it, you've got a veritable fan club around here. You should be able to politic your detractors under the table!

    So, please... politic for us!


    Seriously. We're waiting.




    As I suspected.

    And what, precisely, do your sex toys have to do with any of this? ;)

    Oy. First you're Jesus Christ; now you're The Three Musketeers. So there's more than one of you after all, then... and at least one of you, it seems, walks on water; and three of you wear funny costumes with big hats and brandish swords. Lerner, Lerner, Learner, Rector, Azad, MosheW, Jesus Christ, The Three Musketeers...

    [sigh] :rolleyes:

    ...pretty soon we're gonna' need a program to keep up.

    Just cause? You presume to speak to us about just causes?

    And harm to real institutions? How 'bout harm to real students posed by trolls and shills... like you, for example?

    You've got your priorities all turned around, buddy. And for as long as that's the case, I can promise you that my criticism of you around here will be the least of your worries.

    But from what you just said, we know, at the very least, that you're Jesus Christ and The Three Musketeers. Heck... that's four of you right there!

    Answer Jack's question.

    Multiple personalities in a given host often don't know one another. No surprises there. But, again, Jack can speak with more authority on such issues.

    And precisely what would those politics be, Lerner? Who are the players? What are the sides? What's who's objective? And what in the world would ever make you think that you're important enough for anyone to lift a finger to strategize, politically, where you're concerned?

    I believe that would be "wolf." Your handheld device may need som lubricant... or cleaning.

    And do you actually know anything about wolves, Lerner? I mean... seriously. Do you have any idea what the survival statistics are for wolves that aren't part of a pack?

    Were I you, I'd watch that the same sort of fate does not here befall you.
  11. DesElms

    DesElms New Member

    An afterthought...

    Actually, it's six. Think about it. ;)
  12. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Jesus, angels, 'n' Lerner --oh my!

    Anybody else notice that the "mistakes" in the last post are no longer so-called Russianisms but careful misspellings--eaducation, ocation, alon, righ, u.s.w., apart from finger-slips such as oilitical? It is very difficult to think that this isn't just a big fake. If Lerner had any integrity he would have responded to my suggestion that he write to Alan; either a positive or negative answer could have shown integrity.

    Jesus is a friend of mine too, despite me. Lerner ain't Him. Jesus is from Nazareth. Lerner says he's from Cernauti.

    Michael, Gabriel, Raphael are the three archangels.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2005
  13. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    I was in a park, arranged a playmate for my kids and supervising a bunch of kids, finding a free moment I used my hand heeled device
    and posted a reply to a smearing campaign.

    The letter to Alan would be a good thing to do.
    I pointed to a something that maybe indicates to some people
    that ODA made a mistake, I wanted to hear other opinions, well I sure did from a group of people that will protect ODA no meter what and use my post to atack me I see whats going on, the gang mentality will not work with me, I have to say what I have to say and i will say it.

    I will try to limit the copying and use Greggs sujestions on editing and formating when posible.
    UJ do you have anything concrete to contribute to the tread ?

    Really I'm beeng polite here.

  14. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Yes. I have done.
  15. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    You already know what Carl your budy and quality member of the pack have to say to such a prorosal just read the galanga post.

    Originally posted by Carl_Reginstein

    Tell you what. Why don't you take your phony bad English routine and your barely disguised pro-degree mill B.S. and stick it all where the sun don't shine?

    Then, you and your bunghole can -- with each other's permission, if granted -- share the results here.

  16. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    That's not an answer and you know it's not. Why don't you write such a letter, or give a good reason why you won't?

    Lerner, your latest angle is "if only you knew", that is, if only we knew what a good guy you really are. I wish we did. But you won't tell us. So all we have to go on are a collection of highly ambiguous and misleading posts.

    In light of the frenzied interest shown in you on the psycho fora--by a Jew-hunter--I have to conclude that you are a psycho forum habitue playing games here.

    Game's over, Lerner. Flood degreeinfo with your nonsense if you wish. That's up to Bruce to deal with.
  17. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    At this time I would only like to add that Lerner has not contacted me to give me his old aed screen name, or for any other reason.
    Draw your own conclusion. I've drawn mine.
  18. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Thanks God not everyone here thinks like you.

    Its you who is playing games.
    I have my own opinion and view, independed of yours like it or not.

  19. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Why should I provide you anything, you are one of the people who engage in negative campaign about me and spread lies.

    You can think anything you want about me, but once you spread lies than you are not my friend obviusly and as such I will not offer you any info about my self beyon what was posted here by me. Lets see what you will call me next week.

  20. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Finis Bucovinae

    I don't object to your opinions, since your doubletalk obscures what they really are.
    I object to you, since your doubletalk reveals what you really are.

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