Should I get a degree from Excelsior?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by yoller, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. SurfDoctor

    SurfDoctor Moderator

    You bum! :)
  2. Atara

    Atara New Member

    I enrolled with Excelsior last week, and have been very impressed with them so far. The Admissions and Academic Advisors people I have dealt with have been first-rate: not rushed, never pushy; knowledgeable and willing to give advice, but good listeners and respectful of the student's unique circumstances and goals.

    So far, so good - but, of course, all of this could change by next month :). You do as much research as you can, and contemplate and agonize over the decision but, in the end, I suppose it's all a roll of the dice...

    Best of luck with whatever you decide to do!
  3. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    I earned my BS degree from Excelsior (after taking courses at around a dozen colleges & universities plus one CLEP exam). The Excelsior BS got me accepted into two graduate programs (which I then pursued sequencially). No employer or client has ever questioned the validity of my Excelsior degree (the funny thing is that my ERAU degree has been questioned by several non-aerospace associates who assumed it is not from a US university).

    Employers look for more in an employee than where they earned their degree; ability to perform the job is usually the top consideration.

    Including some science and math credits in your degree looks attractive to many potential employers.

    If you look at the Excelsior Live&Learn magazine "Hats Off" section you will see that Excelsior graduates work in a wide range of occupations.
    Quad/Graphics Digital Edition
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2010
  4. rickyjo

    rickyjo New Member

    Even I've heard of Texas A&M, that's really strong name recognition. What's the cost difference? How much and in what ways do you benefit by getting your degree now? I'd say if you strongly benefit from the cost difference or have a concrete reason for getting your degree sooner I'd go ahead with EC. If not, I guess that just leaves name recognition which A&M's got.

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