Sheila Danzig now a foreign credential evaluator?!

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Chip, Feb 1, 2009.

  1. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    I can just see that opening up the MIGS threads is going to create a lot of thread necromancy. But maybe that's a good thing. Bruce, who has been around long enough to remember the MIGS controversy in real time (they were before my time), says that these threads were very entertaining.
  2. Chip

    Chip Administrator

    I removed a post in this thread that was a personal attack against a moderator. If any members have issues with moderators, please take those up via PM with the moderator, or, if for some reason, you feel uncomfortable talking to the moderators, PM me.

    Unfortunately, the MIGS forum isn't viewable by members at present, but this fact isn't obvious to moderators who may forget that not everything they can see is publicly accessible. It is my hope to eventually be able to migrate all of the MIGS posts into the main DL forum so that everyone can access them. We "turned off" the MIGS forum years ago because it was no longer an active topic and didn't deserve a forum of its own, but the posts should find their way into the archive for all to enjoy and be amused by. :)
  3. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    I must have missed that. Might I ask which mod got attacked and by whom?
  4. NMTTD

    NMTTD Active Member

    It was interesting, to say the least. My popcorn pic was left up, but the post it was referring to was removed.
  5. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Oh yes, I remember it very that time (how time flies) MIGS would have been the only completely non-residential doctoral program in the United States, so it initially created a buzz and some excitement, which quickly flamed out when Sheila Danzig's involvement was revealed, and then the fiasco Levicoff lawsuit. Steve's website about the lawsuit was seriously laugh-out-loud funny, too bad it wasn't archived.
  6. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    Wasn't there a Macarena site from Sheila? At some point she was teaching dancing lessons online.

    I remember the whole thing, wasn't Enrique the Bozzo that was representing MIGS?

    MIGS was controversial because was a mexican school that was targeting american students but with little academic value and was run by individuals with litte credibility. The parent school was CEU, a decent mexican shool that just made the mistake of joining forces with Sheila.

    I believe the original school is below:

    CEU | Centro de Estudios Universitarios | Universidades Monterrey | Preparatoria | Bachillerato | Prepa | Bachiller | Carreras Universitarias | Idiomas | Computacion | Escuelas Monterrey Nuevo León | Jovenes | Carreras Profesionales
  7. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Yes, there was some sort of Macarena section on her website, but I forget the specifics.

    MIGS was represented by Enrique Serna for the Levicoff lawsuit, and he bungled it so badly that it should be in law school textbooks as an example of how to NOT handle the plaintiff's side of a civil litigation suit.

    Yes, CEU made a huge mistake when they hitched their wagon to her, but the concept was really quite attractive.....a legitimately accredited school in Mexico starting a spin-off in the U.S., and they actually had some people with solid credentials on-board (IIRC the MIGS President was a dean at a California State University campus with a Ph.D. from USC), but the extremely ill-advised Levicoff lawsuit and their involvement with Sheila Danzig did them in, IMO.
  8. Chip

    Chip Administrator

    The stated deal was, the work was going to be done through MIGS, with properly qualified faculty overseeing things, a rigorous academic program, all overseen by Armando Arias, who was at the time a dean of one of the CSU programs. So it would have been a good deal for a properly recognized degree from a legitimate Mexican school.

    Only catch was (and with Sheila, there's always a catch)... nobody was ever able to pin down anyone in authority at CEU, the Mexican university, who would acknowledge that any relationship existed with MIGS. And Arias admitted to John Bear and I that there was no oversight from the CEU on the quality of the academics at MIGS, which seemed really odd, given that the CEU was supposedly the one issuing the degrees at the end of the process. Nor was Rich Douglas ever able to get a completely straight answer as to what entity name would be on the degree when he finished the doctorate; it was supposed to be CEU, but I seem to remember that Sheila's team were very evasive when he tried to pin them down... and the fact that no one at the CEU seemed to know anything about the arrangement called the whole thing into question.

    I also seem to remember that upon investigation, the Mexican school was actually a community college, and not properly accredited to issue doctoral degrees at all.

    Oh, and the last part was funny. When Texas and Florida authorities caught on and started investigating, Sheila changed the main mailing address for MIGS to a mail-receiving service in Monterrey, where the CEU was located. So mail went there, then was immediately turned around and mailed back to Florida, where everything was actually done. She somehow thought this charade would get her off the hook, except that no one in Mexico knew anything, so that plan sort of fell flat too.

    This had long been a stated desire of Sheila's... to essentially "rent" accreditation from a legitimate school, and then offer degrees, the coursework for which would have likely amounted to diploma-mill level academic rigor. Idea being, a "no-effort-required" DL degree issued, by virtue of the "rented" accrediitation, from a legit school. Why any legit school would ever agree to this, I have no idea... but that was Sheila's basic plan. (Though I suspect she wouldn't admit to the "no effort required" part.)
  9. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    What about personal attacks FROM moderators? (Well, one in particular.) That seems to be okay. Using access to closed threads, for example. Very nice.
  10. NMTTD

    NMTTD Active Member

    Looks like its time for more popcorn.....
  11. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    lol .......
  12. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    If you think that reposting your own words is a personal attack then perhaps you ought to be more careful about what you write.
  13. NMTTD

    NMTTD Active Member

    HaHaHaHa!!! Told you....:popcorn:
  14. LearningAddict

    LearningAddict Well-Known Member


    I'm sure it's not your intent, but what you're doing comes across as instigating.
  15. NMTTD

    NMTTD Active Member

    How in the world am I instigating a situation that has clearly taken root many, many moons before I ever even knew this site existed? They have been sniping, attacking, and fighting with each other for whatever reason. I have not taken part in any of it except to say "time for more popcorn". I havent privately pm'd anyone, I havent bated them, havent done "he said/she said", nothing. So how am I instigating anything? I've seen others say the same kind of things about other threads/disagreements going on around here. If they want to stop the arguing and picking at each other, then ok. Back to business as usual. If they dont, then I will sit back and watch the show (as Im sure many others will) and see what ends up happening. Both have made valid arguments and both have blown things out of proportion. So the way I see it, Im doing nothing that many others arent doing. I simply let it be known I was watching the show. Im sure if they were really interested in keeping all this private, they wouldnt air their dirty laundry on a public forum. Since they are, and the moderators are letting it stand, I see nothing wrong with letting them know Im watching their show.
  16. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Tedmeister, here is a song for your singing/karaoke night:

    By Shiela's nephew - Danzig:

    Danzig - Mother - YouTube

    Abner :smile:
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2012
  17. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    NMTTD - I agree that there is some entertainment value in these related threads but my side hurts a bit from laughing so I'm bowing out. Have fun everyone.
  18. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Some "schools" beat her to this concept. The now-exposed failings of the University of Wales "Validation" system are a case in point: "Fazley International College" was run by a Malaysian pop star, Fazley Yaakob, who claimed two degrees that were bogus. All about him, the "school" and U. of Wales here:

    Executive Director of Fazley College resigns

    Also, U. of Wales once "validated" degrees from Trinity (Newburgh IN) until they were made aware that the school held no accreditation in its own country. (It has failed in attempts to secure both RA and, more recently, DETC accreditation.)

    I think U. of Wales was "validating" about 200 programs, mostly overseas. You studied at the local school or sometimes by DL and your degree would say "University of Wales" on it. Then the sky fell in....

    Same deal now going on with Universidad Azteca in Mexico. It is "validating" degrees of about 17 other schools so far. One difference: Universidad Azteca is a "private" university. It is allowed by law to confer degrees, but they don't have the same standing as the degrees of Mexican public universities. The 17 other schools of unknown quality are paying for the Azteca name etc. but it basically gives the degrees NO (or very little) added utility.

    Why would any "legit" school do this? One word: dinero in Spanish, arian in Welsh, money in English. And yes - I had to look the Welsh up... :)

    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2012
  19. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Okay, let me understand this. You can use this board to post things like that, but if I post something critical of you, it gets deleted. Got it.

    Please stop proving Lawrence Creeden right.
  20. NMTTD

    NMTTD Active Member

    :damnit: How am I suppose to behave and not say anything when you guys keep going at it???????????? :twak:

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