Shakeup in Louisville

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Kizmet, Jun 23, 2016.

  1. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    "His own share" is an understatement. Nevertheless - his compensation is hardly typical. We're talking a Hall of Famer in a top-3 sport; big star. 5 million is excessive, but all guys of his calibre get compensated in the millions. It may point to structural problems in college sports, but says little about Louisville specifically.
    Now, the fact that athletic staff was able to break recruitment rules and, eg., throw parties with strippers for teenage recruits, for years - and admin didn't intervene - DOES say something about Louisville admin. A volleyball coach at some point got punished for helping international recruits get settled (Leonid Yelin recruits a lot of internationals, using his contacts all around Eurasia), and basketball people got away with actual crimes. That is, if you ask me, corrupt.

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