Scientists Indicate World Oil Will Run Out

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Laser100, Oct 12, 2005.

  1. Tom57

    Tom57 Member

    Right. And with China buying more and more cars, who knows what will happen with consumption.
  2. buckwheat3

    buckwheat3 Master of the Obvious

    Since fuel costs are now impacting the supermarkets, there seems to be an upsurge in people planting victory gardens. For the first time in many years I have planted a few items. Not too long ago it almost was not worth the time or effort to plant a vegetable garden because prices were so low, but there is an incentive now!

    Like you I have a few acres to play around with, I even made a very discreet chicken tractor...first time ever. When I ordered a few chicks the lady said it would be a few weeks because everything is so backlogged. I asked her " Is it because of Easter?" she said that was some of it but the orders are really pouring in, far above the normal Easter surge. I think everyone is trying to stick it to the man.
  3. spmoran

    spmoran Member

    I'd love to see a picture of your chicken tractor. I put my four girls in a 7x10 chain link dog kennel with a cover. It's movable and large, and has a 6' height so that I can stand up to collect eggs and do maintenance. I put a dowel in across the middle as a roost, and have a couple of nests filled with pine straw (but they only use one of them).

    The chickens scratch at the leaves and food and whatnot, and each Saturday I rake the stuff out for the compost heap. Then I move it to an adjacent spot and start over. They get to free range it each night for a few hours and then most of the weekend if we are working on the property or in the garden.

    The first picture is the chickens the first day we got them, and the second is my first egg collection. There is certainly something soothing about going home after a day in I.T. and just watching the chickens and listening to the birds and the quiet :)

    Attached Files:

  4. buckwheat3

    buckwheat3 Master of the Obvious

  5. spmoran

    spmoran Member

    I saw that site too. There are a few more as well. Something about city chickens I remember. It can be overwhelming to see all of the designs and creativity.

    Our chickens are Buff Orpingtons, and they are egg laying machines. They lay all through the winter with no slowdown. As I said, they get out to scratch just about every day. I learned last night that it takes about (1/2) Pringle chip to get them back in the coop. I just drop the tiniest crumbs and they come running wherever their chubby salt-and-grease delivery system wants them to go. I walk in the coop and they are right behind me. It took a while for me to get to be smart as a chicken...

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